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All Content by gilmanRN

  1. Hey Kayevangelista, I got the acceptance packet, and the deposit is due by Dec. 3rd. So hopefully that makes you feel a little better. My fingers are crossed for all of you! I totally know how you feel.
  2. I met with a councilor to see where I could improve and she said that I didn't need to resubmit them, but if I wouldnt have met with her then I would have sent new ones in. It isn't guaranteed that they will keep anything on file though. So I would ...
  3. Hey togagirl2 I got an 81.3 on my overall TEAS with 90 in science, 88 in math, and a 75 in reading. I also had a 3.76 on my pre-req classes, with a 4.0 in my sciences. I also have 4 years experience working in the emergency room. I had applied for Fa...
  4. Thank you so much! Hoping the best for you too!
  5. Just recieved my acceptance!!! woooohoooo So happy it came before this weekend!! good luck to the rest of you! Keeping my fingers crossed for you all!!!
  6. I feel this is so unfair that we all have to wait on pins and needles about this. I'm sure most of us have jobs as well, and mine wants my availability through the first of January. This just keeps getting more and more frustrating. I wish they could...
  7. Are you transfering from a partnership school or from a community college? Also are you going to the San Mateo campus or Oakland?
  8. Anyone that has gotten their acceptance, what time did you guys receive the emails if you don't mind me asking? This waiting game is literally driving me crazy. Lol!
  9. My overall GPA is a 3.7, but my GPA based on what we filled out on the application is a 3.97. My TEAS score was 81.3. I'm so nervous about getting the decisions, which I heard should be sent out by next week. Keeping my fingers crossed, and yes there...
  10. I also applied for the Fall semester and didn't get accepted. They told me the reason I wasn't chosen was due to only 10 seats being available, and that I had 4 classes in progress. They said that because they didn't know if I would receive the grade...