
mummer43 BSN, RN

Open Heart

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About mummer43

mummer43 is a BSN, RN and specializes in Open Heart.

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  1. That makes sense.
  2. Ok,
  3. I know you aren't supposed to do it, but what is the reasoning behind not pushing meds through an
  4. sales nurses

    50k really isn't all that
  5. I am just curious what types of jobs are available for nurses who wold like to enter the corporate aspect of medicine. I have heard that some nurses have made the transition to pharm. sales, but what...
  6. Agency in northeast PA area

    I just completed all the paperwork and I am waiting for them to get back to me regarding the physical. I will let you know what I think once I work a few shifts for
  7. Shift report form

    I work in an open heart unit and report was one of the things that I stressed over for the first couple months. I basically use a modified fancas in which I put everything that pertains to cardiac...
  8. Agency in northeast PA area

    How well did they pay? I just contacted someone there regarding per
  9. Need help with a resume - open heart

    The job postings at my hospital are very non-specific. The job description I got was for nurses in general and wasn't unit specific, so that didn't help. I am working full time on an open heart...
  10. Need help with a resume - open heart

    I got the job description, but it wasn't unit specific. My unit is very similar to your in that we take a lot of the same patients. I really like how you summarized everything. Does anyone else...
  11. Need help with a resume - open heart

    I have asked my supervisor for a copy of my job description. I am sure it is a good place to start with my
  12. Need help with a resume - open heart

    That's a good question. I will have to look into
  13. This has been a big help for me. I am trying to get a resume together for some per diem work and I am having a hard time. Anyone else here with open heart experience care to help me
  14. This has been a big help for me. I am trying to get a resume together for some per diem work and I am having a hard time. Anyone else here with open heart experience care to help me
  15. Need help with a resume - open heart
