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  1. How old is too old to become a new RN?

    If this has been your dream, then absolutely go for it! I've had students in my ADN program who have decided to go back in their 50s, and they've done just fine. Nursing school is tough, but you are...
  2. Keeping students engaged during clinical

    This is the question of the day! I teach OB, so we periods of downtime depending on the census of the day, and I also really dislike seeing students standing around (as do the nurses and staff!)....
  3. Ugh! I am so sorry this happened. A personal attack is always hurtful, but even more-so when you truly do go the extra mile to promote student success (and it very much sounds like you do!). I'm...
  4. Bad day in clinicals...

    Oh, my goodness! I remember those days as a student, and I've had more of them as a nurse, and even as the nursing instructor! Sometimes we are just off. What tells me you are going to be a great...
  5. What is the Direct Entry MSN?

    Is the direct-entry MSN focused on an FNP or other NP specialty? I completed a direct-entry MSN program that bridged me through BSN curriculum in 3 semesters to MSN (women's health NP specialty) that...
  6. Clinical instructor keeps handing out clinical warnings?

    As a "head instructor" I would want to know, is this a skill/medication you were supposed to know? If so, and you weren't prepared, it would warrant a warning at minimum. My advice would be to hit...
  7. what do you say to friends who want to copy

    Oh, my. I had no idea anyone had looked at my post :)! Study groups are different. Working together to help each other understand material or prepare for an exam usually enhances learning and would...
  8. Where are all of the holistic nurses?

    I am a certified women's health NP, and working as ADN faculty for the past 7 years. I am interested in moving into (or developing) a functional medicine/holistic type practice. What did you do for...
  9. what do you say to friends who want to copy

    Weighing in from an experienced nurse/nursing faculty of view. Say no. Sharing work that should be your own definitely qualifies as academic dishonesty (cheating) and both giving and receiving help...