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About cvicufla

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  1. cvicufla

    NCLEX studying/test length

    I was a bit miffed when my university basically made it mandatory to purchase the complete Kaplan suite at the beginning of the program. I was encouraged by one of my professors to complete the focused reviews for each course and I shrugged it off. H...
  2. This is just advice from a recent graduate. As SOON as you can register with the Florida Department of Health and Pearson Vue - DO IT! You want your application complete before your college/university sends your information to the state so it can be ...
  3. Speaking for Florida, I can say the Pearson Vue trick is 100% every time. If you get the pop up, you passed. The business next day you can check the Florida Department of Health website and your license will be issued. Its very fast in Florida. I too...
  4. cvicufla

    Can anyone verify Pearson Vue "trick" April/May 2013?

    The Pearsonvue "trick" has been 100% accurate for everyone from my University here in Florida. My NCLEX shut off at 75 and like everyone else I began to question myself more and more as I drove home. I waited until that night, logged on and got the "...
  5. cvicufla

    Pearson Vue Trick was WRONG!!!!!!!

    Hello, new to All Nurses but I just want to relay my Pearsonvue "trick" experience in Florida. I can say that from my experience, it is 100% accurate in Florida. Everyone I know used it and it was dead on accurate. My test shut off at 75 questions, I...