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All Content by ltothew

  1. Don't Like Med-Surg New Grad

    I was hired into a specialty as a new grad but only because I started the specialty program, and paid for the first two theory courses while finishing my degree, and then they paid for the rest once I was hired.
  2. Vancouver BC job searching

    I would definitely apply to all the medical surgical units in the lower mainland. They are always hiring new casuals for these floors. Especially in fraser health, and usually you get a lot of short calls. Also, walking into the units, speaking to an...
  3. RN or LPN

    yes in BC it is RN only. edit: we are just about to start having LPN's work in post partum in the big health authorities in the lower mainland (with the exception of a smaller health auth downtown Vancouver which has LPNs already caring for with low ...
  4. Nursing hours and family

    Its interesting because in BC on the L&D unit I work on most of the nurses have families, and many of them like the hours as it works better for having young kids, as you don't need daycare Monday-Friday, its more flexible. For Public Health (her...
  5. Nursing School in Canada

    I would think if you had a BSN, passed the NCLEX, you can work in either country with some hoops to jump through. Definitely a need for rural nurses i know here in BC, northern BC nurses are highly sought after. If you are willing to work in a remote...
  6. Calling all Recent Grads

    Nclex has both metric and imperial listed on the exam The NCLEX-RN items currently include both metric and imperial measurement options. Over the next two years, our transition process and the review by Canadian experts will ensure the appropriatenes...
  7. Urinary catheterization and wound care-where to learn

    sorry i missed the looking for work part! Maybe going over your skills textbook again, and also if there are video and online components these would also be good. If you do get a job you can then talk to someone about practicing skills on a unit
  8. Urinary catheterization and wound care-where to learn

    Do you have clinical nurse educators on the units in Ontario? They would be a good resource if you do.
  9. Public Health/Maternity in Vancouver, B.C.

    NICU accepts new grads outside of the esn/perceptorship program and is easier to get into!
  10. Vancouver job applications

    Any luck finding a job yet? I hope so!
  11. Public Health/Maternity in Vancouver, B.C.

    Yes (if you ESN there they will train you in NRP). Then you have to have the other two courses done on your own time. They will hire nurses (not new grads) from other maternity units that have done at least the 1st theory course, BF, NRP and have som...
  12. Interview skill questions

    There are usually case studies, team questions, and emergency questions (emergency questions will relate to whatever type of unit) also some places may ask about CVCs and PICCs if they are surgical/medical, so make sure to read up on the unit. :)
  13. Public Health/Maternity in Vancouver, B.C.

    you have to esn/preceptor there to get hired right away. You must have at least one theory course from bcit, and breastfeeding course at minimum as well as NRP. They only do two intakes a year, next one is september
  14. Public Health/Maternity in Vancouver, B.C.

    Yes public health usually wants at least two years of experience. As for maternity, its sort of luck of the draw with preceptoring, they are either hiring or not unfortunately. I know of someone who did part of the specialty, and esned in mat, and no...
  15. Tattoos

    I guess it depends where you live, in the lower mainland of BC, schools and hospitals could care less about tattoos, I know tons of nurses with visible tattoos.
  16. Maternity Nursing?

    Im not sure if you get a guaranteed line though once done? I think still casual unless you were hired into a line before the program.
  17. Maternity Nursing?

    I have "self sponsored" the first two theory courses (after this there are two clinicals, breastfeeding and fetal monitoring (one elective as well). The big difference is when a health authority sponsors you the courses are accelerated and done in on...
  18. Future student looking for advice.

    There were many moms in my BSN program, quite a few of them single moms. They needed a lot of support from their families, and partners. In our program they appeared to make a lot of allowances for them, and took them into consideration when placing ...
  19. RPN/LPN Vs... RN Or... $30+ Hour work offers/opportunities?

    I know, its strange the scope is so different province to province! (sorry meant to quote!)
  20. RPN/LPN Vs... RN Or... $30+ Hour work offers/opportunities?

    LPN's and RPN's have joined the BCNU this year, but I am not sure if they are happy about, hopefully it is helpful for them, it certainly makes for a stronger union. 4 years is a big commitment. They do max out, and Im sure they do overtime, but they...
  21. Vancouver job applications

    I know this is not ideal,but enrolling in a specialty course through BCIT, so you can add this to your resume, or when applying you can say you are taking it? I have found that this is almost the expectation when graduating from NS now, that you have...
  22. Social Work vs. LPN Career in Alberta

    I began working in social services and did it for 10 years before entering nursing. The biggest similarity is listening to peoples stories. This is something I have found in both careers. The SW burnout is usually with child protection, but at the sa...
  23. Hello advice and thoughts

    it seems like LPNs have a much wider scope of practice in Ontario, and seems like you would be able to work in many areas! You could probably take your pre-reqs at a community college even without your HS diploma, as a mature student.
  24. RN job with 'normal' hours?

    I guess it depends what field of nursing you enter. If you want to specialize then it might be possible...and even then you would need seniority within that specialty (ie. working in a day surgery centre, working within perinatal clinics etc). Any cl...
  25. Employed student nurses

    Not many job related activities except ESNing , maybe care aide, you have to have your school write a letter for it.