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All Content by Serendipity27

  1. August 2014 for Broward College

    Me too.. whenever I think about it I have to hold back tears!!! And don't ask me to talk about it out loud or the waterworks will start..... but this shows how bad we want this!!! Keep your motivation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. August 2014 for Broward College

    I don't think they will give anyone seats now anyway because the deadline for all of the medical tests and everything is Aug. 1st.
  3. August 2014 for Broward College

    I completely understand! I think I will have to defer my seat until January as well. All of this prep work before is expensive and I have some bills that I need to take care of so I can start the program with more financial stability. I hate to have ...
  4. August 2014 for Broward College

    I'll say! I will go there.... I called a dr today and he wanted to charge me 203.00 for the physical alone!!! Yikes
  5. August 2014 for Broward College

    I was considering it... but if the ASN is really hard I would imagine this would be even worse.
  6. August 2014 for Broward College

    By "check up" do you mean the physical? I need to get this done and I don't have insurance either. This stuff is so expensive. :-(
  7. August 2014 for Broward College

    Does Fundamentals book on Amazon have the CD and online code?
  8. August 2014 for Broward College

    Does anyone know how the grading is for Central and North? I spoke to a student at South the other day who said they only have 3 tests for each class which is stressful because there is so little grades collected for your class grade... basically you...
  9. August 2014 for Broward College

    I wish I could go to Central because it is closer to my house and I like the library a lot better there... But by the time I finished the core course they only had South available.
  10. August 2014 for Broward College

    No, I wish I did. Hopefully I will be able to get it tomorrow when I go to the pre-admissions session.
  11. August 2014 for Broward College

    if you went to one of those already you don't have to go on the 16th... they would have sent you an Email ....the orientation is for the date sent
  12. August 2014 for Broward College

    the meeting on the 16th is not orientation its a pre-admission session.
  13. August 2014 for Broward College

    $22 for the two of them. (Aka $11 each)
  14. August 2014 for Broward College

    I have a friend that is a nurse... here is what she said about BC: Hey girl I'm doing good! I'm not sure about the south campus. I last precepted a nursing student from north campus and she said it was hard but good. She just took her boards last wee...
  15. August 2014 for Broward College

    Thx. It sucks bc I never received FA in my life!
  16. Broward College South Campus

    Hello Everyone, I know that this thread is from 4 years ago!! haha -- but I wanted to see if anyone would still use all nurses and check this thread. I just got accepted to BC South Campus and I wanted to hear your feedback. Did you love it? hate it?...
  17. August 2014 for Broward College

    I have two extra pairs of BC scrub pants (BRAND NEW)... Size XS.. Does anyone want to buy them off of me. I am not sure that BC does returns.
  18. August 2014 for Broward College

    Thank you. I already filled all of the FA paperwork out a couple of months ago. Unfortunately, I will not be pell eligible though because I have a prior degree. I can only receive loans.
  19. August 2014 for Broward College

    Okay, Thank you.
  20. August 2014 for Broward College

    How long does it take to get certified with Financial Aid? I need the FA to get books.
  21. August 2014 for Broward College

    Does anyone know if Broward lets you transfer in Pharm classes?
  22. August 2014 for Broward College

    I emailed Nichole about registering for classes. She said: [COLOR=#1f497d]No, you cannot register for Nursing courses until you attend pre-admissions and are told what reference numbers to register for.
  23. August 2014 for Broward College

    I will bring mine just in case but the email didn't say to wear them.
  24. August 2014 for Broward College

    No, It is not the LPN transition. This is just the Pre-Admission Session. We have to go to this one because we applied late. I applied early but my application was on hold until I finished the Core Course.
  25. August 2014 for Broward College

    Not that I am aware of. I only got one letter from them and this is all it said: Dear Registered Nursing (RN) Applicant: Broward College's Health Science Admission Office reviewed your academic records and you have been provisionally selected for a...