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All Content by Serendipity27

  1. August 2014 for Broward College

    Oh, I did not know that! My acceptance letter did not mention any of that information. I just went on to see if I could register now but when I put in the course ID's for the first semester South does not come up at all... Only North and Central do.
  2. August 2014 for Broward College

    I took the core course at Sheridan which I am 99% sure takes care of all of this for me because it was part of the core course. (That's what my professor said) I have to look into it though to verify. BC never mentioned any of this to me. The only on...
  3. Hello Everyone, I am applying to Broward College's Nursing program and to be honest I am terrified! I have heard that Broward's nursing program is "very tough". I know that nursing school will be a challenge, however, I also want professors that en...
  4. I need some inspiration & encouragement!

    Hello Everyone, It has been a lifelong dream/goal of mine to go to nursing school and become a nurse. Sometimes life takes us on unexpected paths though so I did not go to nursing school straight out of high school... I did earn an undergraduate and ...
  5. August 2014 for Broward College

    My fellow South Campus students: Is it true that our schedule consists of 3 days of classes vs 4 like the North and Central? (I forgot to ask the girl this and I have my pre-admission meeting on Wednesday so I did not register for classes yet)
  6. August 2014 for Broward College

    I went by the South campus today to check it out because I have never been there. I saw a student in her nursing scrubs with the Fundamentals in Nursing book and decided to ask her some questions. Her you go: Me: How do you like the program? Her: Umm...
  7. August 2014 for Broward College

    You will do fine on the Hesi. Just make sure to study for a few weeks before you take it. They Anatomy is mostly physiology (at least mine was). And study the math from the Hesi book right before you go in. :-) Good Luck!
  8. August 2014 for Broward College

    What a relief to hear this! haha. What campus did your friends go to?
  9. August 2014 for Broward College

    I took the HCP at Sheridan. I would recommend it!
  10. August 2014 for Broward College

    Yes, I will be coming from Tamarac.
  11. August 2014 for Broward College

    Hello, You will still be attending South, Correct?
  12. August 2014 for Broward College

    Thank you so much! I am trying not to read other people's negative comments but it is very difficult especially because if you search other nursing schools in the area on here they do not have the same issue. I am willing to study from the moment I w...
  13. August 2014 for Broward College

    I know... That's why South was not an option for me but since I just finished my core course I just got my acceptance today and I have to take what is available. Which is only South Campus. I really want to start in August but I know the program is g...
  14. Broward College (South Campus) nursing program

    Hello anyone... Just looking for some insight into the South Campus. I see some of you liked it and others did not...any changes since then?
  15. August 2014 for Broward College

    I am freaking out! I dont know what to do. I have been reading so many posts and there are bad things about each campus. I read a post saying that South is wonderful yet another saying 'whatever you do avoid south campus'.. I have seen bad comments ...
  16. August 2014 for Broward College

    So I got my acceptance to start in August! --- However, she said they only have South Campus seats available. :-( That is pretty far from my house. I feel like it would be a disadvantage.
  17. August 2014 for Broward College

    OMG! I am terrified! 33 people failed!?!?! :-( Do you think they put as much work in as they should have?
  18. August 2014 for Broward College

    If you don't mind me asking... what have your grades been like for semester 1?
  19. August 2014 for Broward College

    Does anyone know how the summer semester works as far as FA is concerned? Do we get an additional disbursement for summer or does it have to come out of our second disbursement for year #1?
  20. August 2014 for Broward College

    I finally finished my Health Care Core Course (HCP0001) yesterday and turned it in to Nichole.... I noticed today that my application status went from "pending documentation" to "Current Status: Application In Review" Woo Hoo! Fingers crossed that th...
  21. August 2014 for Broward College

    No they won't award you more pell just because you apply for loans. Wow! you are so lucky that you got awarded the BC scholarship!! I need that, haha!!! I am not pell eligible because I already have a previous degree. It stinks because I really need...
  22. August 2014 for Broward College

    I am sure that this nursing program will probably be the hardest thing we have ever done... but others have done it and we can do it too... you just have to want it bad enough and dedicate the time needed. As far as the exams being up to 15 chapters....
  23. August 2014 for Broward College

    Nevermind. I posted that before reading the other posts... If I were you I would apply for the loans. I am. Unfortunately, I am not eligible for pell. :-(
  24. August 2014 for Broward College

  25. August 2014 for Broward College

    Everyone, I have 2 pair of scrub pants that I will be selling. Size : x-small they are BRAND NEW! I got them when they were half off... if you missed out on the sale and need this size let me know. :-)