Mommy TeleRN

Mommy TeleRN RN


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All Content by Mommy TeleRN

  1. Signed up for Med-Surg but feel like I am in ICU!!!!

    geez my hospital provides more orientation than that for experienced nurses coming to our floor! You need a new job pronto!
  2. needle-stick injury

    99% of surgeons are getting 8 needlesticks a year? Hmm I hope I get the 1% to operate on me lol. Trying to figure that number out! I have heard of one needlestick on the one year I have worked on my floor. It's a pretty big floor. The nurse got stuck...
  3. How do you round?

    mom2bears - you pass meds as you go too? wow. How long does it take you to get through all 6 patients?
  4. needle-stick injury

    What stats were you looking at? The stats I have seen are pretty low, esp with HIV which doesn't live long outside the body. Perhaps your stats were old? We really don't even use that many dirty needles now days. Most everything is needleless. I use ...
  5. First day without preceptor and first error

    Yep what weebaby said.... 4 bags should have 4 times AND this should have been communicated in report "pt is getting 40mEq of K. I hung the first bag but there is still 3 bags to go" or SOMETHING.
  6. Does ATT letter give permission to practice?

    Varies by state. In TN I was not allowed to practice as a nurse until passing boards. I did still work with my preceptor and start learning charting, did assessments, etc but I was not allowed to do anything invasive or give meds.
  7. Being denied employment because of a credit check :(

    all financial advice aside - this situation STILL makes no sense. OP does not have bad credit. This IS for a hospital job right? You aren't a nursing student wanting a bank job or something? Geez - most hospitals I think would like the idea you need ...
  8. Need some good advice!!!!

    Actually I believe 85 is the lowest on the PN. To the OP...I would spend the time waiting reading the NCLEX'll find a TON of other posts from folks who felt the same way who a day later discovered yes they ARE a nurse! :) I do remember ho...
  9. Being denied employment because of a credit check :(

    780 is an EXCELLENT score..that is NOT bad credit.
  10. Checking in after one month

    Jan that makes sense. Pharmacy mixes ours so I didn't even think about the NS that is IN with the heparin. Pagenda maybe that is what the person meant? I wonder if they meant that you shouldn't run other things with heparin besides normal saline? Al...
  11. Checking in after one month

    Pagenda...I do not recall having NS the couple times I've had a pt on heparin drip. Are you sure the person who told you that was right? Perhaps "they" had a misunderstanding?
  12. Are croc shoes white enough??????????

    To the OP exactly which model did you get? This model doesn't even look out yet says "coming soon" and they don't say pearl white they just say "white". Are they the ones you got?
  13. About taking blood pressure.

    Hmm either I'm taking BPs all wrong or am totally clueless. I was never taught in school to do this twice pumping up thing. I usually just pump to to about 180 and start from there. If I hear the beat right away I pump up higher, or if I know the pt ...
  14. DUH moments..

    Hey PB&J! You are NEVER gonna guess what happened last night on my shift! You will get a kick out of this and how we have LEARNED from each other's duh! moments. Ok so pt has HR in 60's early in shift. After clearing it with preceptor I gave her ...
  15. Maybe a silly question

    Actually I JUST talked to my preceptor about this this morning. She said she only tells lab results ie "your potassium was below normal, so we are giving you this potassium pill" if pt asks why lab is low she will give general ideas "well some typica...
  16. When does quick result's 48 hrs start to count?

  17. Just When You Think You've Seen It All....

    In school we did a project on evidenced based practice. Someone did a report on use of armbands. The summary was it's very important to mark armbands because different facilities use different colors to mean different things. For instance at my facil...
  18. When does quick result's 48 hrs start to count?

    I have never heard of it showing up early so I wouldn't worry yourself too much checking it ahead of time. To my knowledge it is 48 hrs from your scheduled test for you 1pm tomorrow. I had to wait an extra almost 2 hours because we had to ch...
  19. Starting RN Wages?

    Ahh I see cool. So do you already HAVE a bachelors? If so you might want to consider a BSN fast track program. You likely have many of the courses you need. I think most of those would be done in less than 18 months...I think some in 12-13 months. I...
  20. DUH moments..

    PB&J - guess it would have been good to listened apically ... but being new sometimes we forget those simple things huh? Hence the name of this thread lol
  21. Starting RN Wages?

    PM... sorry I'm not familiar with LI so I don't know which area. Are you thinking of persuing nursing or are you already in the profession?
  22. Should I leave nursing?

    TeleRNer - those are great tips. I'd be leery about clinical instructor though. Talk about not only have to worry about YOU making mistakes but also up to 10 students...eek! I don't think I could handle it lol...the more I think about ...
  23. Should I leave nursing?

    Some areas where you do one patient at a time: Surgery Radiology (think arteriograms, vascaths, etc) Cardiology (stress tests, echos) Cath lab (nurses take turns circulating, recording procedure, or scrubbing) There is also case management (not sure ...
  24. Should I leave nursing?

    Do you think you'd do better in an area where you only have to focus on one patient at a time perhaps? How many patients are you taking on the medsurg floor? Maybe you would enjoy being a patient educator in a certain area? I notice you are in your ...
  25. Starting RN Wages?

    And here we go again :)