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All Content by elisa938

  1. Hilarious Conversation with a Patient

    I work in the ED in a town surrounded by Assissted livings, ECF's, SNF's etc so we get LOTS of the confused pts. We also get an inexplicably high number of psych... (I am not a fan psych) anyway, so one night we had probably 6 psych pts (about 25ish%...
  2. Question about pre req's and accelerated nursing program

    When i started on prereq's i worked 40 hours a week and took 12 credit semesters (almost exclusively online) because i had all the sciences, plus ethics to get through. My micro was the only one not online and it was a 6a-9a class 4 days a week for 5...
  3. Illegal immigrant nurses can now be licensed in California

    I agree with the other draws on the economy for the record...
  4. Illegal immigrant nurses can now be licensed in California

    the whole basic point is people that are not here via legal status are again asking us to change our laws to suit their needs. There is something fundamentally wrong with that no matter your feelings on immigration.
  5. Illegal immigrant nurses can now be licensed in California

    Reply to 17, if i broke in to your house and sat on the couch and said you are now responsible for my education and my food and my housing what would you do? Would it make any difference if i said ok i'll pay for my education, but i'm going to live i...
  6. Illegal immigrant nurses can now be licensed in California

    Responding to #23. If they cant get here legally by immigration status and are in undue danger in their country they can seek asylum here, but there is still a Legal process to do it. And yes by flooding our cities they are truly robbing the hardwork...
  7. Illegal immigrant nurses can now be licensed in California

    Then they should apply for legal status. If they continue to be here after they are of an age to seek legal status then they are knowingly violating the law and are knowingly continuing to do so. So again, i support your education and accomplishments...
  8. Illegal immigrant nurses can now be licensed in California

    While I support immigration, i do not support people breaking our laws to be here. I'm sorry but if they can't be trusted to enter via the front door but instead sneak in through the back and demand our resources (sounds like thievery to me) how am i...
  9. Bedpan? Why not a Poise pad?

    In response to NOADLS....Haha came up as the first option for me!
  10. Bedpan? Why not a Poise pad?

    I work in an ED with no aids so we get this fun problem all the time, the biggest thing i try to do (and quick disclaimer i am HORRIBLE at placing bed pans appropriately...) is get a chucks under them, get them on the bed pan, then actually place a d...
  11. How many jobs/units until you found your "niche"

    So when I was in nursing school every semester i thought i found my niche... I loved cardiac step down... Until i found med/surg and oncology, then i found l&d and the babies (who isnt a sucker for the squishy cheeks and big eyes...) and knew tha...