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All Content by ant2cory

  1. How long did it take you to become a Nurse?

    I'm not sure where I got 7 years from!! That is why I should not play on AN while I 'm at work LOL!! Anyway, it is actually right at 6 years because I started in January of 11 and will end in Dec of 16. Time doesn't matter to me though. To answer yo...
  2. There are many hospitals in my area that offer fellowships/preceptorships/graduate nursing positions. I would like to apply to one when I graduate. The one I would really love to get is in the CICU at one of the children's hospitals in the area. I wo...
  3. How long did it take you to become a Nurse?

    I started pre-reqs in January 2011 and will (hopefully) graduate December 2016 pending acceptance to the August 2014 class. It is a BSN program. It will take me just under 7 year to complete and I will graduate just after my 32nd birthday.
  4. Working in hospitals

    Thanks for the replies everyone! I have been thinking about it more and more and I think it would be best to find a position where I can work just one day a week at the hospital. That way, I will still have an "in" but not loose the money I make now....
  5. What I'm most worried about!!

    My concern is also being able to retain all the info That really scares me sometimes!
  6. Ugh, Chemistry..

    I am in the EXACT same situation! 8 week summer course, 95-100% on everything but 80's on tests, A- system threatening to mess up my 4.0... It is SOOOOOO stressful it's not even funny! BUT, don't make this class question your nursing ability. A&P...
  7. Applying for a Nursing school

    I applied for an ADN and BSN program. I will be attending the BSN program though.
  8. Summer Sessions are for Champs!!!

    I feel you!!! I'm taking 3 classes this summer, work full time and am a single mom if 2. Sometimes I so see how crazy I really am taking all this on!!! But like you, I have to take a certain amount if credits/classes this semester to get everything c...
  9. Going to school while working full time?

    I work full time and go to school. Plus I have 2 kids. It's definitely doable. You just need to find classes that work with your schedule. I've taken night classes, weekend classes, early morning classes and online classes as well depending on my nee...
  10. Please share your GPAs??

    I currently have a 4.0. I only take 9-10 credit hours a semester and also work full time (plus single mom of 2). Have you thougt about cutting back your class load and going slower. That way you could focus on getting A's. I know noboy wants it to ta...
  11. Whats a good elective?

    So I am finishing up my prerequisites in the next 2-3 semesters. Of the classes I have left to take 3 are electives. Next semester I am taking (as electives) nutrition and intercultural studies. Both I feel that both will serve me well in nursing bu...
  12. Whats a good elective?

    That is a great idea!!! I wonder if my school offers that! I will have to look into it. I go to 2 different schools so hopefully between the 2 one of them would offer it. Otherwise, I think I am going to do a another psych class.
  13. Denied Financial Aid ... what to do now?

    How much will the entire tuition be? At the CC I was going to go to the entire 2 years was less then $8000 and that included books, fees, scrubs, shots, background checks and all. I have since switched to a University and its about $6000 a semester s...
  14. Whats a good elective?

    Do you think one semester of Spanish would help me enough? That was my reservation in taking a foreign language, I'm just not sure I could learn enough in one semester to use it later in life. Sociology was something I was looking at though.
  15. Nervous about Chemistry

    I'm in summer chem right now and honestly, it sucks. But it is completely doable. Try not to stress to much. Make sure you read the chapters and take good notes. Google chemistry for dummies and look at what that says. It broke things down really wel...
  16. "Back to School" Sales

    I love them too!!! School supplies make me excited and I love to organize them all!
  17. Who else is waiting for Fall 2014 acceptance?

    I'm in St. Louis too! I'm at Maryville and will hopefully get in for the Fall 2014 class. I have to finish this summer, fall and then spring of prerequisites. There are so many nursing schools in St. Louis to choose from what made you decide on Goldf...
  18. How long are your prerequisites?

    I started January 2011 and will be done by July 2014. I should start the nursing program in August 2014 and have my BSN in December 2016 :) I started out half time and have moved to 3/4 time. My BSN program is weekends and evenings and part time too...
  19. What's the funniest most unusual baby name?

    I knew someone once named Toi (pronounced toy) Balls... Yup, not a married name either! The other one was Dorcus. I wonder what parents think sometimes!
  20. What made you choose nursing?

    I always knew I wanted to work in healthcare. I had my kids very young (19 and 21) so I didn't have the opportunity to go to school before now. I think the thing that really pushed me was my daughter. She was born with significant health problems (sp...
  21. Pre-Nursing ADN... where to go from here?

    I agree that volunteer hours would look best. You don't want to overwhelm yourself with the stress of more classes during the prerequs.
  22. Statistics online

    I am taking it online next semester too in an accelerated 8 week course. When I signed up for it I was nervous but felt like I could do it. Now everyone I hear from says its the hardest class yet ever had and can't believe I am taking it online. THAT...
  23. Single mother, no support, nursing school

    Don't let the struggles involved keep you from becoming a nurse! Single mom's do it all the time and I am one of them. While I have not yet started my BSN program and I have been in school for 2 1/2 years (3/4 time), work full time and own my own hom...
  24. What made you decide to go for ASN or BSN?

    I'm getting my BSN. I had applied to the ASN program but the wait was 2 years long and bc it was full time during the day I knew I couldn't work. As a single mom who owns a house I knew it would be very costly to live off loans for 2 yeas. I had so m...
  25. to all the moms....

    I havent started the program yet and my kids are 7 and 9 but I have been in school for 2 1/2 years. It takes a lot if sacrifice and a lot of help. If anyone says they will watch the baby for you, let them and take that time to study. I don't work Fri...