
TooManyCats ASN, BSN

Critical Care

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About TooManyCats

TooManyCats has 8 years experience as a ASN, BSN and specializes in Critical Care.

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  1. MSN v MBA

    I am an RN with a little over three years ICU experience. My dream job is to work APN in an ICU, but it just doesn’t exist where I’m at. I have zero desire to teach or go the FNP route. I would...
  2. Need Advice on Accused Medication Error

    It truly sounds like she overreacted massively. This was a silly error that in the real world no one would even notice, and as a student nurse I think it’s smart judgment to not administer a...
  3. What does the floor really think of nursing students?

    For the most part I like students, especially if they have basic skills and knowledge by the time they reach me. I will say that I hate that professors assign them to train wreck patients and I have...
  4. Thoughts on a new grad RN going straight to ICU?

    I went into ICU right out of school. I had a long and supportive orientation, a critical care residency, and did great. My current place of work will hire new grads but something about our orientation...
  5. Considering ICU.... among several other options

    Having book smarts and being a great test taker are useful skills, but critical care requires a certain level of intuition and on-your-feet thinking that can’t be taught. It’s really not for...
  6. New Nurse, Med Error = Lost Job

    So we’re you looking to the MAR or your brain page for med due times? Or relying solely on your paper and the Pyxis? When you scanned it did it not give you a warning that medications were given too...
  7. The oncoming nurse was inappropriate in handling that. You notified the provider, they declined to treat. Some people hang out higher, not everyone needs to be treated at 180. You could have asked for...
  8. New Grad ICU Exhaustion / Advice Needed

    I had some job hopping during my first year due to a move and a miserable work environment. Still in ICU, and I’ve found a great fit. Apply early, be prepared to explain the move... and make sure...
  9. OG tube securement, or NG?

    We secure our OG tubes to the ETT using paper tape (our unit doesn’t have Transpore on hand). Occasionally we will get an intubated patient from OR or from a previous unit with an NG and we will...
  10. Cvicu new grad RN starting in july

    I work in a combined surgical and medical ICU, with 32 beds. For the majority of patients, we bedside report, go over lines/drips/vent settings and introduce ourselves. Then I spend a few minutes...
  11. Converse sneakers at clinicals

    You'd be surprised how picky schools can be when it comes to shoes. Ours were ALL black, no hits of white/color, no mesh, all leather or non breathable material, no clogs, the list went on. Contact...

    I work a cardiac heavy icu and recently switched from a Littman classic ii to the cardiology iv and am really happy with that
  13. Nurse tech working as RN

    You might also want to look into your states laws regarding medication administration. The facility might be fine with a tech doing it, but the state might want a qualified medication aid, and even...
  14. Ivytech 2015 Fall Admission

    I applied at South Bend only. I assume we'll get letters next
  15. Ivy Tech Forum

    It doesn't exist anymore. It did when I started in 2013 (yes it's taken me THAT long to finish my prerequisites), but at some point they ditched