Yes I did my capstone at my place of employment; however, with all the red tape of implementing new policies my supervisor added a little note at the bottom of my consent form saying such. T Really...
To others who have asked me this as well my reply is always that I wish I had gotten my BSN with WGU. The flexibility is something I was striving for with my BSN because let's face it I am a huge nerd...
Sorry it took me so long to reply. During this post my mother was in the hospital and then subsequent passed away from sepsis. I am just now getting my bearings. The Capstone was most challenging. It...
I just finished the WGU MSN-Ed program. I worked full-time and finished in 9.5 months! Feel free to ask me any questions! Received my BSN through the University of Texas and honestly after this...
1. Multitasking is imperative 2. Not only do I save lives, but I am a waitress as well 3. Bladder must be made of steel 4. Birth can be a beautiful experience, but sometimes so can death 5. Nursing is...
As a nurse of 23 years, I too felt like I was forced to return to school to obtain my BSN. I finished in September of 2015 at The University of Texas at Arlington. Boy, am I glad I did. I have since...
Wish I had taken both History classes at my local college because the workload for these at UTA was CRAZY! I also wish I had taken stats at my local college because the UTA course was very very...
I took college algebra at my local community college because I felt like, after 20 years, there was no way I could do it in 8 short weeks. ANNNNDDD, I was right, I made an A but there is NO way, let...