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About nurse_duke

nurse_duke has 24 years experience.

Latest Activity

  1. MSN-Ed in 9.5 months!

    Thank you very
  2. MSN-Ed in 9.5 months!

    Yes I did my capstone at my place of employment; however, with all the red tape of implementing new policies my supervisor added a little note at the bottom of my consent form saying such. T Really...
  3. MSN-Ed in 9.5 months!

    To others who have asked me this as well my reply is always that I wish I had gotten my BSN with WGU. The flexibility is something I was striving for with my BSN because let's face it I am a huge nerd...
  4. MSN-Ed in 9.5 months!

    Sorry it took me so long to reply. During this post my mother was in the hospital and then subsequent passed away from sepsis. I am just now getting my bearings. The Capstone was most challenging. It...
  5. I just finished the WGU MSN-Ed program. I worked full-time and finished in 9.5 months! Feel free to ask me any questions! Received my BSN through the University of Texas and honestly after this...
  6. Wgu august 2016

    I also start the MSN-Ed tract through WGU on August 1st. I finished my BSN through UTA in September of 2015 and I have 23+ years of nursing
  7. Day 7: 2016 Nurses Week Caption Contest

    When your patient coughs after the Mag Citrate kicks
  8. Day 4: 2016 Nurses Week Top 5 Things Contest

    1. Multitasking is imperative 2. Not only do I save lives, but I am a waitress as well 3. Bladder must be made of steel 4. Birth can be a beautiful experience, but sometimes so can death 5. Nursing is...
  9. Day 3: 2016 Nurses Week Meme Contest

    When all your patients are A&O x
  10. Day 6: 2016 Nurses Week Meme Contest

    When you have had to pee for the last 3 hours but don't let it
  11. Day 1: 2016 Nurses Week Caption Contest

    The future of nursing starts
  12. As a nurse of 23 years, I too felt like I was forced to return to school to obtain my BSN. I finished in September of 2015 at The University of Texas at Arlington. Boy, am I glad I did. I have since...
  13. Wish I had taken both History classes at my local college because the workload for these at UTA was CRAZY! I also wish I had taken stats at my local college because the UTA course was very very...
  14. Math 1301 UTA HARD?

    I took college algebra at my local community college because I felt like, after 20 years, there was no way I could do it in 8 short weeks. ANNNNDDD, I was right, I made an A but there is NO way, let...