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All Content by rosysharon

  1. Cedars-Sinai New Grad Summer 2013

    I got a call in the morning and an email to complete online application from the manager.
  2. Cedars-Sinai New Grad Summer 2013

    I got an employment offer for cohort 3 too!!
  3. Cedars-Sinai New Grad Summer 2013

    I wonder how many of us were there at the interview because I know that there were about 50-60 of us from the previous interview and they are ultimately selecting 25 candidates.
  4. Cedars-Sinai New Grad Summer 2013

    I feel like it went well but we will see. how did everyone else feel?
  5. Cedars-Sinai New Grad Summer 2013

    I am sorry for those you who didn't get the invitation. I understand what it means to be in that position, but continue to keep your head up and persevere through for God has a plan for all of us! Good luck to all of us!! I did get the invitation fo...
  6. Cedars-Sinai New Grad Summer 2013

    nope nothing. still waiting
  7. Cedars-Sinai New Grad Summer 2013

    how does everyone feel about the interview? I don't know what to feel @_@
  8. Cedars-Sinai New Grad Summer 2013

    how does everyone feel about the interview? I don't know what to feel about it
  9. Cedars-Sinai New Grad Summer 2013

    thanks Noboundary!! I was wondering for those who are going to the open house tomorrow how you guys are preparing for the interview? it seems like from previous posts that they will be asking medication questions?
  10. Cedars-Sinai New Grad Summer 2013

    anyone going to the open house interview tomorrow?