

Peds, Oncology

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About SassyTachyRN

SassyTachyRN has 4 years experience and specializes in Peds, Oncology.

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  1. What is your dream job?

    Other than this... maybe peds onc. office. I have oncology experience, and I love peds. I've also always wanted to do women's health office, maybe something in the community, a clinic or
  2. Shingles

    When I worked in a hospital, I worked on an oncology floor. I had shingles on my chest, back and down my arm. My doctor said I absolutely could not return to work since I worked where I worked, and he...
  3. Do you ever do nothing for your student?

    I just had one tell me her side was "numb" after someone hit her with a ball. I really love when kids tell me their body parts are "numb." What am I supposed to do with
  4. The kiddos are done, too

    90% of my complaints for this week have been stomach aches. I find a lot of kids have anxiety about the school year ending. It's the constant in their lives. It's a safe place for them to go, a place...
  5. Screening questions

    I do the same. I often feel like they have better relationships with the parents, so I usually give them the referral forms to give to parents at parent teacher
  6. Do you ever do nothing for your student?

    Same here. I had a kid who had a sub last week.. came down to me with a loose tooth. I told him it will come out when it's ready.. he told me, "Mrs. X pulls our teeth ALL THE TIME!" UGH,
  7. Any floater school nurses out there?

    I'm also in a split elementary position, so I feel your pain. We don't have floater positions, but it really does sound intriguing! My district barely pays for the nurses we have/subs most days, so...
  8. dumb staff

    As a former hem/onc RN I def would never do this either! Def need to be chemo cert and have the proper PPE to give any chemo, even if it's just gtts! Need a gown and double gloves, etc. Can't believe...
  9. Did I Just Roll My Eyes Out Loud?

    I had 3 in my office with their bookbags still on this AM. They got to their classroom doors, whined to their teachers and got sent to the clinic. Teachers are just done. I am seeing a marked increase...
  10. Please take care of your little one rant

    In those instances I usually refer to DCS for medical neglect... just document, document, document. Don't let them use your emergency albuterol as a cushion. I would let them know if you have to use...
  11. I just can't!

    I had a kid with a hole in the shoe yesterday. On the pass back, I wrote, "cured with the same kind of tape you have in your desk." 9 more days. My patience is soooooo
  12. Is It a Full Moon?

    We started doing this and we found that about 10% of our visits district wide are for staff members. The district said if we hit 15% we can hire more nurses. So if they even cross my threshold to talk...
  13. Sunscreen in School?

    No sunscreen here. We don't even allow lotion. I'll be honest, I stash away some hypoallergenic good stuff in my desk... Eucerin. I'll give it to kids if I really think they need it. I do that maybe...
  14. 504 for osteogenesis imperfecta

    I had a mom who said OI over and over again. I pestered and pestered for a careplan back from her. Finally I caught her in the school and gave her a consent to release information, and told her OI is...
  15. Last day?

    11 more days... 11 more