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About nurserecruiteradvoca

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  1. Landed a great job... Now what?

    as a recruiter it is my job that u understand the details of any job u arew submitted to BEFORE u are submitted. also if u want day shift your best bet is to be as cozy as possible with ur manager get...
  2. 50 Minute drive to work.... would you take it?

    as a travel recruiter i would have to say it depends on the pay. by traveling over 50 miles u would qualifty for non taxable money which makes a big difference. i would look into the reputation of the...
  3. Ortho, Adult Surgical or Rehab (stroke/TBI)?

    as a recruiter i would definetely say ortho . we get a lot of needs in that aea. defineteleey not Rehab that will not help u get into critical
  4. Owe IRS and wet and wreckless

    unfortunately the anwer is an astouding YES. CAliforni ISS Facing deloays becUSE OF BUDGET cuts any issue that holds up the background check will significantly lengthen processing