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About sadie16

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  1. Got the good pop up!!

    whatvis ati ? Is that a book or
  2. Failed NCLEX 6 times

    What materials did u used ? Its hard coz im also working fulltime , the problem is the time !!!! How many resources did u used
  3. ATT and NCLEX - GNs

    Did u used the CD Or the book of exam cram , and what edition is much
  4. Failed NCLEX 6 times

  5. NCLEX 4000 for Windows 8?

    Can i dowload that nclex 4000 in ioad or i
  6. So did u passed the exam ? What NCLEX QB was that from

    Is this in california only?i live in ny ? Is this a live review
  8. Reschedule NCLEX-RN?!!

    Hi could you post the lab values review for nclex ? It wouldnt show up . And i want to have a copy of that and study it . Thanks
  9. What is your email address so that i could send my email and u could send the notes to me .
  10. I passed NCLEX-RN!!!

    Hi Congats!!!!! What kind of questions did u encounter in ur exam ? Is it a lot of select that apply questions
  11. I passed NCLEX-RN!!!

    Congrats!!!!! ,what kind of questions did u encounter in ur
  12. NCLEX and ATI