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All Content by sadclown

  1. Capstone Starting July 1, 2013

    Hello everyone! Taking this as well as Legacy of the family, not too bad so far, although the power point will be very challenging. Taking both now because they messed up my course map, I was pretty ticked, planned the whole year only to find I was a...
  2. NURS 4325 Research Start Date 5/20/2013

    Ours was graded in file exchange
  3. NURS 4325 Research Start Date 5/20/2013

    Thanks so much for the info! There is a light at the end of the tunnel!
  4. NURS 4325 Research Start Date 5/20/2013

    Me too. Wish I knew. I'll be taking legacy of the family and capstone. A whole week off, yeah. Think we all deserve it.
  5. NURS 4325 Research Start Date 5/20/2013

    IT'S OVER!!!!! What other class ends on a Saturday instead of a Friday? NONE!
  6. NURS 4325 Research Start Date 5/20/2013

    You're smart enough to get a jump on it by being on this blog. Good for you. Keep at it and you'll get through it. I've gotten A's and B's throughout my time at UTA, and yes, I'll be disappointed to get another B, but I really think if I had been abl...
  7. NURS 4325 Research Start Date 5/20/2013

    I thought week 2 was by far the worst. There were 2 assignments which were difficult enough, but we also had to resubmit week 1 because we flunked it. Seriously, if you get into a good group that's the best. I had one really good person in mine, and ...
  8. NURS 4325 Research Start Date 5/20/2013

    Wow Scarlet fire, so sorry to hear. I thought our group had it bad. There's a HUGE problem with this class. If they want it run the way it is, they need to have supportive coaches who get on slackers instead of letting us do all of that. Yeah I know,...
  9. NURS 4325 Research Start Date 5/20/2013

    This is by far the worst's as if they don't want you to learn, the questions on that test were totally off the wall....don't forget now, we're amateurs.... just going for a BSN, not an illustrious PhD. Way too much. I was scoring 90-100 on...
  10. NURS 4325 Research Start Date 5/20/2013

    Someone posted from Feb that it wasn't as confusing. The blueprint for the quiz states there are 20 T/F or MC questions.
  11. NURS 4325 Research Start Date 5/20/2013

    No, I was responding to laskydncer, then mentioned my inadequacy, the two were not related
  12. NURS 4325 Research Start Date 5/20/2013

    Chybabes response to mom3boys, thats all. I have never felt so stupid, ever
  13. NURS 4325 Research Start Date 5/20/2013

    Oh well!
  14. NURS 4325 Research Start Date 5/20/2013

    That's awesome! congratulations! I hope that advice works for the next quiz, too!
  15. NURS 4325 Research Start Date 5/20/2013

    Best of luck to you and everyone else! I hate the class and everything about it, and I LIKE research!
  16. NURS 4325 Research Start Date 5/20/2013

    Kind of went along with blueprint, really I thought ? were fairly straightforward, but very abstract. Some I really didn't have any familiarity with, a lot of trying to think about ?? I went with my gut most of the time, what made sense to me. I actu...
  17. NURS 4325 Research Start Date 5/20/2013

    70 on quiz...should I be happy or upset?
  18. NURS 4325 Research Start Date 5/20/2013

    I think we're the participants in their study
  19. NURS 4325 Research Start Date 5/20/2013

    I started but no time!
  20. NURS 4325 Research Start Date 5/20/2013

    Me too
  21. NURS 4325 Research Start Date 5/20/2013

    I went outside to see the venus, mercury and whatever other planet that was supposed to be aligned tonight. I saw a shooting star, and I immediately wished I pass this freaking pain the butt class. It's ridiculous to say the least.
  22. NURS 4325 Research Start Date 5/20/2013

    OK my turn to vent. UGH! My group seems to be good, I'll be happy with a C in this class though.