Neonatal ICU (Cardiothoracic)


About SteveNNP

SteveNNP has 9 years experience as a MSN, NP and specializes in Neonatal ICU (Cardiothoracic).

Latest Activity

  1. SteveNNP

    Level 4 NICU suggestions

    I agree with the others... try looking for the major academic center in your area. I work as an NNP in a large RPC Level IV+ECMO+open heart NICU, and we are constantly overloaded with acuity haha. On...
  2. SteveNNP

    30 weeker with PDA

    How old is this baby? The nice thing about fetal hemoglobin is that it holds onto a LOT more oxygen at lower saturations than our blood. So you can rest assured that even if sats are in the 70s, she's...
  3. SteveNNP

    Daily Weights?

    This is why any warmer or isolette manufactured in the past 5 or so years has a built in scale. Unless a child is on ECMO (and sometimes we weigh those kids too...) or is a comfort care, babies should...
  4. SteveNNP

    What are your call requirements??

    We do not do call shifts in my unit. IMHO, call shifts are an excuse by management to not hire or adequately staff a unit. Part of it here is that we are unionized, and have set patient ratios. Hell...
  5. The role you are describing can be done by several different nurses, including L&D, Newborn Nursery, and NICU. It's typically an assigned role for the day, not a "hired-into" position. You would...
  6. SteveNNP

    GIR calculator for iOS

    Hi RN.amour- my recommendation would be to sift through the threads on this forum. All those questions have been asked and answered many times. Good
  7. SteveNNP

    Which Milk Warmer Do You Use?

    When I was a bedside RN, we used pink water jugs with warm water. The unit then used the Penguin for awhile, and then in a push to avoid contact with tap water, we now have a Medela waterless warmer...
  8. SteveNNP

    Advice about last night

    Albuterol ABSOLUTELY causes tachycardia, especially when given frequently and in higher doses. This is why a lot of units used to (and some still do) give Xopenex instead. Sounds to me like you...
  9. SteveNNP


    Absorb the bounce? This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard The chest wiggle that is seen with HFOV use is from the lungs expanding and contracting using tiny tidal volumes at a steady MAP....
  10. SteveNNP

    PNPs with Neonatals

    I am from the NYC area, and it's true that the number of schools offering NNP degrees have decreased recently, including Columbia University, my own grad school. The NNP market is a bit oversaturated...
  11. SteveNNP

    types of patients

    Well, this is what we have today: Prematurity Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn Presumed sepsis r/t maternal chorioamnionitis Sepsis Congenital heart disease (pre/post/periop) Congenital autoimmune...
  12. SteveNNP

    Medicinal Honey

    Can I ask how there is any antibacterial activity left if it's been irradiated? Isn't it just then a topical sugar
  13. SteveNNP

    How does your NICU unit run?

    In my unit (Level IV) routine VS and cares/feeds are at 8-11-2-5. Fluids are done by day shift, and routine labs are done at
  14. SteveNNP


    We don't sedate or give pain meds for simply being intubated, EXCEPT if they are pulmonary hypertension patients who are having spells, our cardiacs who can't tolerate increased SVR, and/or our...
  15. SteveNNP

    Men in Neonatal nursing

    I'd recommend applying to every hospital with a NICU position in NYC and the burbs. We hire several new grads here in our NICU. Most managers I feel actually prefer new grads over seasoned nurses from...