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All Content by anonimiss

  1. 80% BSN staffing by 2020

    Higher education is first and foremost a FINACIAL INVESTMENT. This is especially the case when a large corporation (hospital) makes it a requirement to keep your job. When I make an investment, I expect a return. The financial returns for the BSN sim...
  2. So many nursing majors in my class!

    And to all of you people who think I must be miserable because I did it for stable, gainful employment: Nursing was one of the smartest choices I made in life! I am ecstatic!
  3. So many nursing majors in my class!

    My decision to become a nurse was not a heart decision. It was a logical decision. If you asked me why I did it, I would have told you point blank that I wanted stable, gainful, employment. I wanted to rise out of poverty. I remember the self-righteo...
  4. So many nursing majors in my class!

    I wish I could like your post 250 million times! Thank you so much for giving these people a reality check!