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About nurseinlimbo

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  1. Snow- at what point do you call out?

    when the road is closed, the road is closed. When visibility is nil there's no way I'm going out on the road. Have slept at work rather than drive home as well. Wherever I am stranded I will wait it...
  2. Putting Principles before Personalities

    Having recently been blindsided by a performance appraisal, I think it was good of the OP to go to the nurse involved and explain what he'd found.... it was a confusing order, and should have been...
  3. It depends on why I am leaving the job, I have faxed a resignation letter with 2 weeks notice, at Christmas time, because the manager had been horrible to me. I have left to pursue further education,...
  4. A break from nursing??

    I would LOVE to take a break. I train horses on the side, and have been trying to do more of that and less nursing, but it hasn't worked so far. I also am the primary earner in the family right now,...
  5. Nursing Burnout

    I think the lack of appreciation is the biggest thing that contributes. I have found that while the floor wants and expects all sorts of sacrifice from me, ie: short notice call ins, too many shifts...
  6. Stop being so miserable

    There is never an excuse for taking ones stresses out on the patient. That being said, I won't mince words when I say that anyone who goes into nursing these days is going to find out why all those...
  7. Poor nurses

    I also am in Canada, and just increased my wage to step 5 (5 yrs FT equivalent) at $37.33 per hour + shift diff, charge, w/e diff etc. it works out to $46/hr on a w/e night. Last year I earned $95,000...
  8. Comfort Food After a L o n g Shift

    Baileys in my coffee, homemade egg mcmuffin, or
  9. I went to school as an adult so there were few students the same age, still made some good connections there that helped to get me through it. It is sort of like going through any other traumatic and...
  10. Alberta Health Services

    What about casual staff? Do they get laid off the same way? I have been casual in the same place for 4 years, but left briefly and returned in May 2009. How do they plan to run the system with no...
  11. Snow- at what point do you call out?

    I admire the ones who say they would move into town to make it to work but that is just not realistic for everyone. What about single mothers with children? What about those who share a vehicle with a...
  12. This is the same reason I don't watch 'Survivor'. I don't want to know what goes on behind my back, and try not to do it to others. When work is left undone, I just prioritize and do it in order of...
  13. Is nursing ruining your love life?

    Nursing can and does ruin your relationships, as well as any outside interests that you might plan to have. This is why I stay prn or casual. I set my own schedule, work in 2 different places, one...
  14. Snow- at what point do you call out?

    To answer some of the questions posted, I work 60 kms away from work because I live in a rural area, there are no jobs available in the town I am closest to, so I work casual there, and casual at the...
  15. Snow- at what point do you call out?

    I think it really depends on the area you live in and how truly bad the weather is. If it is dangerous to travel the highway and police are warning that they will not patrol, I think it is reasonable...