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  1. hello everyone

    You are from Germany? Two of my coworkers are from Berlin. And I 'm going to Berlin for my next vacation. I hope you get your green card
  2. hello everyone

    Thanks for all your replies. And Silverdragon you are right I think I#m all ready addicted
  3. Hello there!

    I wish you the best for America. and your further career. I have podered too about going aboard but for now I 've decided to study. But working in America sounds great, are you going to stay
  4. hello everyone

    hy, nutella. your Austrian friend lives in America now? I 've sometimes thought of going elsewhere. But now I think I will study first, maybe later. Where are you from nuttella? cheers
  5. hello everyone

    hello siri thanks for writting. you are right though i have recently discoverd this side, i think it is great. you asked me about my diploma. well, things are different as far as i know in austria...
  6. hello everyone

    I'm a nurse from Austria Europe. I would like to get to know other nurses all over the world to share experince and difference in our daily work and more. In addition I want to improve my English. I'm...
  7. International Nursing

    Hello,thank you for answering. Well, I 've heard that in America you have to attend university to become a nurse. Here in Austria you attend a school which belongs to a hospital for 3 years. After...
  8. International Nursing

    Hello Selika In Austria you can only attend university when you have an Abitur. It is a kind of exam in several subjects. I think I know what you mean by BSN, but could you explain the word to me.(...
  9. International Nursing

    Hy, my name is Claudia. I'm a RN since 2002 in Austria Europe. So far I worked only at a medicine ward in Vienna. I'm also keen to know more about the differences in nursing in the several countries....