Jaykalkyn, BSN, RN

Jaykalkyn, BSN, RN

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All Content by Jaykalkyn, BSN, RN

  1. Too late to be a nurse?

    I truly believe that you're never too old to learn so I would say go for it. I am 40 years old and in the first semester of a two year nursing program. This is my second career; 17 years in accounting was enough for me. Now, I can't speak for any ...
  2. Burnt out on studying - how to recharge?

    I really like the suggestion by Stacilator. I will have to try that going forward. I'm a level 1 nursing student on the last day of my spring break. And while I did "break" some, I continued to do some nursing related studying the entire time. I ...
  3. Three months to kill before Nursing School... what to do

    I'm going to go against the grain here and say do some Dosage calculations practice! You're in an accelerated program so your time will be extremely limited once school starts. I wished my program would have told me about it in my acceptance packe...
  4. Fundamentals instructor doesn't teach.

    Most are saying take your learning into your own hands. As true as it is that the student has some responsibility in learning, that is no excuse for **** poor "teaching." If we were expected to teach ourselves then why not just buy the damn book, r...
  5. confused first semester student

    I agree with Kuriin. If you have access, go to the website for the book (possibly a link in the inside cover) and do the practice exams online. Try to get used to answering by knowing the concepts and how to apply them. I'm am in the first semester ...
  6. Overwhelmed First Level Nursing Student!!

    I can relate to your struggle. Me and my classmates are talking about our SNA shirts should say "Nursing School...the struggle is real!" I am first level and am sometimes overwhelmed, too. But then I have to take a deep breath and refocus on why i...
  7. Has anyone here handled both school and kids?

    It is totally doable. You just have to get a schedule and stick to it. Similar to what CWONgal said, in the evenings I sneak in a little reading/studying while the kids are doing homework or when they're eating dinner or in the bathtub. I do most...
  8. It's hard losing classmates...

    Are you sure that is the reason? It seems pretty harsh to be let go for sterile technique. Maybe there's another sterile technique process that I'm not aware of; I'm a first level student and that check-off was pretty easy. At any rate, i'm leanin...
  9. Counting Down for Spring Break

    Yep, sure am!
  10. Too much? 16.5 credits

    I'm in my first semester in a BSN program and I have 16 hours including an online class and one that was supposed to be ITV (they changed it because of dosage calc). I thought that was a bit much for a beginning nursing student but I guess not. I l...
  11. What I've Learned in My First Month of Nursing School

    I feel you on so many levels. I, too, am about a month into my program and the frustrations just keep on coming. But, me and a classmate just had this conversation today about just going with it because there's nothing we can do except to quit the pr...
  12. Things only a fellow nursing student would understand...

    OMG! I'm dealing with that right now in my health assessment class. The instructor sits at the computer and basically reads the powerpoints. Really? Surefire way to put me to sleep.
  13. Why is nursing school "hard?"

    Hmmm, and I'm used to the black and white of things like math as an accountant. It will be interesting to see how I adjust to those gray areas. Thanks for your input.
  14. Why is nursing school "hard?"

    Thanks, I appreciate the input. I guess looking at it from the standpoint of having been a student, while working full time, with a husband and two young children, I'm hoping that me not working would help to alleviate some of the stress. But when ...
  15. Are you going to work while in nursing school?

    I start nursing school on Tuesday and today was my last day on the job. I don't plan to work at all but it depends on how things go the first semester; I have 16 hours. I'm blessed to have a husband who is cool with the fact that he will be the onl...
  16. PVT works!

    When you say the exam is hard, is it the material or the amount of material? I have an accounting degree and took the CPA exam once and it was hard, mainly because of the sheer amount of material. I wonder if its the same kind of hard. I begin nur...
  17. Whooooooooo!!!!!! Do you know what a tongue n' cheek comment is? I see, you spend all your time getting those A's that you have difficulty relating on a social level. Give me a B and a personality any day. Woo-sah!
  18. I so appreciate this comment as I was beginning to wonder if its really that bad. I start my program next month and am eager to begin. Luckily, I won't have a job to contend with, but still a husband and kids who's own school work demands my time a...
  19. Yeah, I think that the A students may have book smarts but are lacking in other areas. They seemed to take everything for face value and not with the grain of salt that was supposed to go with it. Lol!
  20. It just has to be said (vent)...

    That's encouraging, particularly when all you read is mainly people talking about why they don't like their nursing job. I start nursing school next month and I can't wait!
  21. Nursing Shortage

    So the issue really isn't an end to the nursing shortage, which I think we can all agree is probably true given the nurse/patient ratio. In fact, that points to the fact that there is a "shortage" of nurses in medical facilities. The real problem is ...
  22. First Semester of Nursing School!!

    So i'm wondering just how different nursing school is from undergrad and grad school...I start my program in January 2014. Can someone tell me is it more so the material itself or the amount of material that is so difficult? I have a BS in account...
  23. Everyone Won't Succeed. And That's Okay!

    While you point out the obvious hurdles that Ernie would have to overcome in life, these hurdles do not relegate him to a life of poverty. There are plenty of Ernie's out there who came from humble beginning and who have moved on to be great "success...
  24. Does everyone have to take the TEAS or HESI exam?

    I will begin nursing school in January 2014 and have seen many posts about the TEAS and HESI exams. At what point in my nursing career will these tests rear their ugly heads?
  25. Langston University Tulsa - Spring 2014 anyone starting?

    yani108, I would hope you could bypass the CNA requirement. I had my physical today and am working on getting my immunizations up to date. I have also signed up for and paid for the drug screen and background checks. I don't think you are behind, ...