Jaykalkyn, BSN, RN

Jaykalkyn, BSN, RN

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All Content by Jaykalkyn, BSN, RN

  1. Why is it inappropriate to stand up for yourself?

    Sounds like the pointing and raising your voice was the issue, not that you stood up for yourself. You left off that bit of information when describing what you said. Yeah, your actions were about on the same level of disrespect as the doctors, in my...
  2. Are We "Glorifying" Nurses?

    This article has to be a trolling article. It has to be! As a 4th level nursing student who has had many, many hours of coursework, clinical experience, and work experience in various capacities at all major local hospitals in my city, I have to sa...
  3. What To Expect From Your Preceptor

    dah doh, you sound like an awesome preceptor. I hope whomever I get is as good as you sound.
  4. Hilarious Conversation with a Patient

    Ewwww!!!!!! Lol!
  5. People really need to stop coming into nursing

    News flash for you...it's not just nursing, its everywhere. Corporate America, where I come from has always been that way. Another news flash for you...colleges are turning out thousands of people every year in many different majors, saturating th...
  6. NCLEX-getting nervous

    I am not close to where you are yet, I have one more semester to go (December 2015 grad). I've been told that the Hurst review is good for content and Kaplan for how to take the test. We use Kaplan at my school here in Oklahoma.
  7. How can a tweet destroy your life.

    The sad thing is just about everything is made for public consumption these days. She should have done a better job at ensuring, or at least trying to, that she was keeping her information "private" (yeah, right). Or better yet, maybe get a better s...
  8. 47yrs old in 4days and starting class

    Whatever! You are never too old to learn and pursue your dreams. Don't be nervous or emotional, there will be plenty of time for that during school (and trust me, you will become emotional). You will be quite surprised at how well everyone gets alon...
  9. Venting and Sub-par Programs

    MedicalPartisan, I had to almost do a double take on this post. Your situation is similar to my own, although mine doesn't seem to be as bad. This past semester, we didn't have a Psych teacher for 3-4 weeks due to the previous instructor quitting jus...
  10. Advice on 1 year contracts

    I agree with MSofia. I think i'd opt for an open-ended CNA position. Where I live CNA jobs are a dime a dozen so maybe i'm not the best one to speak on opportunities in NY. But I would think there are some jobs out there where you don't have to make...
  11. I took the nclex and ran out of time, did the pvt! Hear my story...

    Congratulations! I'm happy for you that even with running out of time, you still passed. That's encouraging to many others who may think that running out of time automatically means trouble. Good luck in your career as an RN. I'll be there January...
  12. Nursing school freakout

    I think what you are feeling is perfectly normal. I am a 40 year old, wife and mother of 3, level 2 nursing student and I was extremely nervous going in, partly because I kept reading how difficult nursing school was. Trust me, when you get to clas...
  13. Rant:How NOT to be a nurse

    This saddens me, but sadly, it happens more often than not. I don't understand why anyone would become a nurse who didn't have a genuine interest in caring for people. It can't be the money because there is more money to be made in many different fi...
  14. Failed the RN program still want to be an Rn . Help !

    Exactly, GrnTea! It's YOUR opinion that those two areas are easiest and not necessarily the opinion of others, particularly the authors. I don't think its your place to bascially call someone out on their failures as i'm sure you've had your fair sha...
  15. Encouragement for multiple test takers.

    Good luck to you...5th time just may be the charm for you. At least you recognize that you need to change some things about how you study and/or take the exam. Try not to get hung up on others and their success at the exam. I'd be willing to bet t...
  16. Already accepted to BSN but have a C in Patho

    I'm going to go against the grain here and say that you should probably take Patho again. I have researched CRNA programs and advanced degree programs and those upper level science courses carry a lot of weight. I'm not saying Patho is the end all,...
  17. Buy nursing books from School bookstore or other websites?!

    I just completed my first semester of nursing school and I rented most of my books from Amazon and purchased those that I would use in future classes like Med/Surge I and II (we have two books that are used for both level 1 and level 2). Also check...
  18. Difficult co-worker

    Just reading this thread ****** me off. First of all, I wouldn't let this go without finding out exactly what the issue was. I would take the supervisor to task about her saying I was doing a great job on Monday and then firing me on Wednesday. That'...
  19. BSN Questions

    The difference is theory courses versus just the technical "doing" courses. Research, stat, leadership, management, etc are the difference. It's cut and dry unless your program is a hybrid of sorts that includes some of these types of courses in the...
  20. Does anyone actually read all the reading assignments?

    I started out that way and quickly learned that that was completely impossible for me to do and actually retain what I was reading. I found myself up at 3 a.m. eyes blurry with the words becoming dancing lines on the page. I stopped doing that and ...
  21. Tech vital sheets from unit/other papers

    I agree with applejackcrunch. My unit has a form that is quite easy, though the order is also different from the electronic record. We rencently ran out of the other form and had to use another form that was handmade, it really sucked. For us, I d...
  22. Why is nursing school "hard?"

    Yep, mcm6508, sure did! Here is why I felt it was hard from my perspective with one semester down and four more to go: 1. Disorganization - my program hired new instructors the weekend before class started; we also got a new dean over the program. 2....
  23. June 2014 Caption Contest: Win $100!

    You didn't get the memo?
  24. It's Not Fair!

    Well, sometimes things really aren't fair and you should say something about it. You can't get mad at the student for standing up for something if they were wronged. By the same token if they weren't wronged and the instructor relented then you shoul...
  25. entering core nursing classes!!

    Buy a calendar and put everything in it. I use an electronic one and a physical one that I hand write everything in. Its very useful when you have a ton of deadlines to meet and need to whip it out to add yet another task. Oh, and you will be over...