

psychiatric nursing

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About PeacockMaiden

PeacockMaiden has 3 years experience and specializes in psychiatric nursing.

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  1. AccentCare Behavioral Health Nurse

    No I am no longer in that job. It wasn't a fit for
  2. Sacramento VA

    I decided go with the VA. I'll be starting in a couple of weeks Are you at the Sacramento VA
  3. Sacramento VA

    What position did you apply
  4. Sacramento VA

    They offered me grade 3 step 4. I ended up not taking the job because my current employer offered me $20 more per hour. I am sad that I can't have the VA benefits
  5. Sacramento VA

    I was just offered a position at the Sacramento VA for a psych nurse practitioner. The salary quote was low. I tried to negotiate but they wouldn't budge. Does anyone work at the Mather location?...
  6. VA Hospital , Mather California salary offer

    What did you decide to do on the question of the salary? It sounds like a good salary to me. I just received a tentative offer as a psychiatric nurse practitioner, level 3 grade 4. (Relatively new...
  7. Best Doctorate Degree

    I am very interested in the Mind-Body PhD at Saybrook. I am try to decide between that program and the DNP with the Integrative Health concentration at Regis. I want to be able to teach someday at a...
  8. All the degrees, no job

    I agree with what many people are saying here and what I previously said here about the DNP program that I am currently in (which I will drop or take a leave of absence from after this semester is...
  9. All the degrees, no job

    The focus was psychiatric nursing, and I am adding on the psych NP certification since I already have a MSN. I already completed the 3 P's classes in a AGNP program and those classes were not that...
  10. All the degrees, no job

    I have done two semesters of a DNP program, just long enough to learn it will not teach me advanced clinical skills and it is focused on research and policy, as the other posters above stated. So I...
  11. I like psychguy's posts too! I'm currently in an online NP program in a well known state program (the school is discussed on allnurses frequently). We have to find our own preceptors. The school...
  12. All the degrees, no job

    The DNP is not a valued degree. I'm in a DNP program and I'm going to drop it because it doesn't make financial sense to continue at this
  13. PMHNP exam

    What a rude post by
  14. Passing the ANCC- PMHNP exam.. Please HELP.

    Where do you find the ANCC test questions for purchase? I looked on the ANCC and didn't see anything. Also, where do we buy the ANCC study guide? I saw some study guides on the ANCC website, but...
  15. I agree the the PA school stance. I wish I went to a brick and mortar school. There is one that is a two hour drive one way, but I would have done it if I had known what a nightmare this would be....