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  1. Tips for a new grad ER nurse

    Awesome to hear! I'm doing great as well. I've been off my 6-month orientation for a little while now and things are going great so far. The more I learn the more I realize I know nothing but I'm just...
  2. Tips for a new grad ER nurse

  3. What is the drug of choice in your area?

    Alcohol, spice, and crack are the standouts, I would
  4. Tips for a new grad ER nurse

    How has it been going in the ED for you
  5. How impossible is CEN for a new grad?

    I graduated in December, took boards in January, and got hired in the ED in Febrary. I've worked 10 shifts thus far and am wondering how impossible CEN would be for me. Is this one of those things...
  6. Nurse to patient ratio

    We don't allow patients to be in the same room, regardless of relation, with minors being the exception. Does your
  7. Tips for a new grad ER nurse

    Agree 100%. My patients teach me so much. They live with (whatever) day in and day out so they are much more knowledgeable than me in many cases. They generally love being able to tell you all about...
  8. Will an ER tech help me land a job in the ED?

    Absolutely. Work hard and show them what you're capable of (work ethic wise). This is also advantageous as you will get to see the logistics of the ED and what the nurses do and will help you...
  9. O2 for Unresponsive Pt

    Do not EVER think you are wrong for asking a question. You would have been wrong had you not asked and simply assumed, even if your assumption was correct. Why? Because it was a
  10. Tips for a new grad ER nurse

    This is just one giant cluster of thoughts, so sorry in advance. No matter how level-headed and non-anxious you typically are, you will likely think there is no way you will be able to grasp it all...
  11. Nurse to patient ratio

    In my level 2 trauma center the standard ratio is 4:1, trauma 1:1 (2 trauma rooms assigned to a nurse per shift but it's a team effort so they'd never be left to care for more than one unstable...
  12. Precepting in CCU; Advice?

    Thank you so much! I will take all of that advice. The first day was phenomenal. My preceptor is amazing. Unfortunately, she is leaving to do travel nursing so I'll only get a few shifts with them but...
  13. Precepting in CCU; Advice?

    I know this sub-forum isn't necessarily for students, but I figure the experienced nurses would know best. If you could give me a condensed list of the most important things I should look over to be...
  14. Are you the Doctor? (funny)

    Actually, you're wrong. The NCLEX licensure gives you the credentials of a registered nurse - hence the title graduate nurse. This is why credentials RN still must proceed BSN and MSN even though they...
  15. I'm not talking about classifications here. I'm talking about the questions NCLEX is actually asking. There's no way to group these these implementation rules and I've no clue how to study them. Take...