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Wife, mother of 2, Christian

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  1. Is 'E.R' the tv show accurate?

    don't get me wrong, i love er, but not one episode goes by without me shouting at the screen. and the docs doing nursing stuff. that has me rolling on the floor. i have never seen a doc give an...
  2. Longest "Visit" in ER b/4 admitted to your floor

    i totally agree. we have been called to the carpet for waits of 4 hours!! can you imagine that. the pt, family and administration seem to think that we keep them down in the er for spite or to cause...
  3. OB Emergencies

    EEEKKK! That is a bad siuation. My advice to you is to research emergency treatment for OB's in your TNCC courses. Also I would recommend NALS as well as PALS these have some really good neonate info...
  4. Med error,I'm suspended,I need advice,please!

    WOW. Talk about overkill. Unless there was something not in your post, what they did sounds alot like persecution. The scenerio does not add up. Has this happened to other nurses that you know of( in...
  5. OB Emergencies

    Midwife- what I hope happens from this is that the lines of communication between L&D are opened. There seems to be a big lack of communication in general but most of all with L&D. I don't...
  6. OB Emergencies- kind of long

    Thanks for the replies. I have an update. The L&D nurse manager called me today and told me that I did a good job with that pt. She said I did exactly what I was supposed to do in that situation....
  7. OB Emergencies

    Thanks for all the replies. I have an update. The nurse manager for L&D called me today. She said I did a good job with the pt. She said I did exactly what I was supposed to do and probably saved...
  8. OB Emergencies

    Thanks for the posts. This was stressful for everyone involved. I have never see an abruptio before today, but had studied the s/sx in TNCC several times. There were several factors that were...
  9. OB Emergencies

    Thanks for the input. I do know the signs of OB emergencies. I felt that the mom was in too much distress to transport her without stabiliztion. BTW I checked FHT immediately and could not find any (...
  10. OB Emergencies- kind of long

    Thanks SIRI. I don't have alot of OB experience( little to none lol). I can't think of anything I would have done differently. I understand how stressful it mest be for an L&D nurse to go through...
  11. OB Emergencies

    Okay, this is kind of long but I wanted some input on this. Let me give you some back ground. I work in a rural ER( level 4 and 9 beds). We triage all OB's that come in except scheduled inductions or...
  12. OB Emergencies- kind of long

    Okay this is kind of long but I would like your opinions on this. Let me give you a little set up- I work in a rural level 4 ER (small 9 bed). In our hosp we triage all OBs before they go to L&D...
  13. Too freakish for words!!

    wow i am a woman an just reading that mad me double over in agony. can you imagine?
  14. ER doc misread EKG? (long vent)

    okay it does sound like the er doc missed the mark, but i have to stand up for the er nurse. i have been in this situation, where it was obvious the pt was having an mi but the er doc refused to...
  15. The people you meet.......

    i just wanted to put in my 2cents worth. i agree with dixielee. also i have noticed that the older generations( over 60) are more stoic. the younger generations have been raised ( for the most part)...