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All Content by KingWCC

  1. Westchester Community College (WCC) Fall 2013

    Now I am scared, mine still says computer science
  2. Westchester Community College (WCC) Fall 2013

    Fair enough, I am just a bit frustrated I guess. But you know the other side of me is dying to know lol..
  3. Westchester Community College (WCC) Fall 2013

    No, until you attend the orientation nothing.
  4. Westchester Community College (WCC) Fall 2013

    It's still a bit ridiculous for us to have to wait all this time. You would think highest score are mailed out first. Now I will not be able to sleep questioning why people with 80's got in and not me with a 96.3. Oh we'll congrats everyone!
  5. Westchester Community College (WCC) Fall 2013

    I haven't gotten anything yet..I am hoping it's because i live in the Bronx and mails are being sent out later on today/tomorrow. Congrats to all of you who made it. I am about to bust out the tent and sleep next to the mailbox.
  6. Westchester Community College (WCC) Fall 2013

    I've been told that i am guarantee a spot in the nursing program. My personal overall score is 96.3% and my national/program is 99.9%. I've heard so many stories of people with 70's getting in and people with high 85's not getting in. I don't know if...