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All Content by mbull22

  1. Vanderbilt Nurse Residency Summer 2014

    For those who are still waiting on peds, I got into pedi critical care yesterday so I'm sure you'll all here soon! Sending good thoughts to you all still waiting and congrats to those who've been accepted!
  2. Vanderbilt Nurse Residency Summer 2014

    Any one else get any acceptances or any other news today?!?! FREAKING OUT ABOUT HEARING!!!!!
  3. Vanderbilt Nurse Residency Summer 2014

    Has anyone heard of anyone who received a rejection from the pediatrics track? I'm wondering if those come out later because I have only heard of wait-listed people. I wonder why they don't just send everything out at once. Fingers crossed for ever...
  4. Vanderbilt Nurse Residency Summer 2014

    I know in the past it has been around 30-40 accepted into pediatrics. but it changes every year. softballsmarty, i have heard of a lot of people who have gotten taken off the waitlist in previous years shortly after the letters came out, so congrats...
  5. Vanderbilt Nurse Residency Summer 2014

    Has anyone else heard anything? Acceptances or rejections? Does anyone know the order of how letters are sent out? So anxious!!!
  6. Vanderbilt Nurse Residency Summer 2014

    Has anyone had their interview yet?! If so how did it go???! So nervous/excited for mine
  7. Vanderbilt Nurse Residency Program Summer 2013

    Congratulations Fire Bird and Pcovell91!!!! So exciting, I'm jealous! I am currently a junior and am hoping to be in your position this time next year!!! I was wondering if you could give me any tips, or let me know some info you think contributed to...
  8. Vanderbilt Nurse Residency Program Summer 2013

    Congratulations to everyone who got in!