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All Content by ongmtam85

  1. Advice required for Australian going the E3 path

    Hi ghillbert Thank you very much for your advice, and time !!!! How is the summer in US at the moment !!! I heard they have so many festival all over the US at the moment. Hope you are enjoying the time there !!! The reason I am asking you is because...
  2. Advice required for Australian going the E3 path

    Hi joeldew, I live in Adelaide at the moment, and contacting Flinders Uni, that is the only Uni helping me at the moment, other Uni are refusing me. They say they will let me to study in Pediatrics and Maternity(Obstetrics) courses in their Midwifery...
  3. Advice required for Australian going the E3 path

    Hi grantsally1, Thank you very much for your very quick reply !!!!! I am very much appreciate it !!! I hope the BON in US will accept my additional Ped and Obs theory courses, and clinical hours. I think I should stick with CGFNS, because I never kno...
  4. Advice required for Australian going the E3 path

    Congratulation grantsally1 !!!! I am very happy to see you get through the painful process, and enjoy working in US at them moment. I dont have any Pediatrics, and Obstetrics theory and clinical hours as you might know. I am not very sure that how ma...
  5. Advice required for Australian going the E3 path

    Hi grantsally1 I am Adelaide RN, and planning to move to Texas, and I am not how is your RN licensure in US going? Why they did not accept your Ped clinical hours, and you need to require Humanities Subject ? Did you study 12 Years in Primary and Hig...
  6. Any Australian trained RNs working in the US?

    HI crystelle, I am Australian RN too, and in Aus, DO you mind to share with me how did you make up Pedia and Obs course please? Thank you very much
  7. Any Australian trained RNs working in the US?

    Hi TabithaB, I am RN from Aus, I am not sure how is your US licensure going? And how did you make up Pedia and Obs Course. Thank you
  8. Any Australian trained RNs working in the US?

    Hi TabithaB, I am RN from Aus, I am not sure how is your US licensure going? And how did you make up Pedia and Obs Course. Thank you
  9. "Qualifying" for the NCLEX-RN

    Hi joeldew, I had 3 yrs Bachelor of Nursing in Aus, and would like to work in Texas. I am trying to acquire Pedae and Obs Clinical and Theory Hours from Government Approve(Uni). Do you mind to share with me how did you acquire these 2 hours please? T...
  10. Australian nurses taking NCLEX exam

    Hi Stevenyzwife, I am had 3 years Bachelor of Nursing in Aus, and I would like to work in Texas. I am struggling to have my Pedae and Obs Clinical and Theory hours from Government Approved (Uni). Do you mind to share with me that how did you get the...
  11. Hi Debstar, I am from Adelaide, Rn 5 years in Surgical Ward. I am looking for work in US as RN BSN, under E3 visa. Do you mind to share with me your experience about getting Paed and Obs course/hours ? Do you mind also to share with me your experienc...
  12. Australian trained RN getting registered in California

    Hi ccampbell66, I do not think Aus has BSN, we call Bachelor of Nursing in Aus, it takes 3 yrs. I studied and work in Adelaide, South Australia(graduated Uni of South Aus, 3 Uni teach nursing here Adelaide, Unisa, and Flinders). You will pay as overs...
  13. Australian trained RN getting registered in California

    Are you American student ? so are you coming to Aus as an exchange student for a few course/ are you studying the whole Bachelor of Nursing Degree in Aus ? I think Australian Nursing Board will accept American 4yrs BSN(because I am working with some ...
  14. Australian trained RN getting registered in California

    Thank you very much for your advice Silverdragon102. Do you know any one who can apply GC while on E3 ? Also, I heard E3 can not be renewed if E3 visa holder has dual intent(which is applying GC in my case). As you said, it takes 6 yrs for GC, so I a...
  15. Australian trained RN getting registered in California

    Hi TabithaB, Im RN in Australia at the moment and would like to apply for Green Card. I did not take Pediatrics and Obs in Uni, Thats normal in Aus. Do you have a Green Card at the moment ? I am very keen to move to US. Are you able to give me some a...
  16. Green Card USA

    Hi Viprama, Im Vietnam born and has Australian Passport, working as RN in Australia, thinking about moving to US. How did you go with your GC process, do you mind to let me know please ? Are you able to send me an email into my email add (ongmtam85@y...