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All Content by ltulloch21

  1. UMass Boston accelerated BSN 2013

    Final decision has been made. I will be attending umass boston this summer! so excited and look forward to meeting all of you :)
  2. Umass Amherst Second Degree - Fall 2013

    I have no idea what that means! can you add yourself in the group?
  3. Umass Amherst Second Degree - Fall 2013

    facebook group is created! it's under Umass Amherst Second degree nursing 2013. join :)
  4. Umass Amherst Second Degree - Fall 2013

    Oh ya that'll be a change! But you'll love the east coast. New England is the bestttt! Just don't forget a warm coat! To everyone who would like to join the facebook group if you want to friend me I will do the group and add you; my name is Lauren T...
  5. Umass Amherst Second Degree - Fall 2013

    Okay all, so I am trying to create a fb group and am not having very much luck! It seems that it will only let me create one if I add my friends as members. So if someone else knows how to do it go right ahead! otherwise I think we have to become fri...
  6. Umass Amherst Second Degree - Fall 2013

    definitely! i've never felt unsafe at the bars at night or walking home with my friends. I mean there are crazies everywhere so you gotta be careful no matter what I suppose. but i really dont have any complaints my whole time at Umass so thats good!...
  7. Umass Amherst Second Degree - Fall 2013

    aw im glad you liked it! it really is a great town. in the middle of nowhere but still things to do and its beautiful esp in the fal! I will try to do the group tonight, unless you want to do it sooner! just let me know and I will join!
  8. Umass Amherst Second Degree - Fall 2013

    valeenal, sadly i will be of no use to that question I lived in apts on campus my junior and senior year so i never had to go through the hassel of finding housing. But from friends experiences it all really depends. the closer you are to campus the ...
  9. Umass Amherst Second Degree - Fall 2013

    does anyone know if there is there a facebook group for this years accepted students?
  10. Umass Amherst Second Degree - Fall 2013

    ummmm if youre looking to fly into an international airport hartford ct is the closest. there are alot of little airports near by amherst but im not sure what airlines actually land there. i too was set on being in a city after 4 years at umass but a...
  11. Umass Amherst Second Degree - Fall 2013

    Sure thing! The school is not in a city and is not very close to one either. Springfield and Worcester are prob the two closest cities. However, the school itself is like a city. It's huge! But Amherst is a really pretty town in a beautiful area. I a...
  12. Umass Amherst Second Degree - Fall 2013

    Hey guys, I was also accepted to UMass Amherst and is one of my top choices. I graduated this past December from Umass. It's a really great school and the nursing program is one of the best! Just thought I'd say hello to potential classmates!