Sleepy 7

Sleepy 7

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All Content by Sleepy 7

  1. Anyone know anything about a certain Organization controlling the pass rate for the CRNA exam by region
  2. No not the org., I am saying some of the (individual) "professionals" perpetuate the improper treatment of students. Just as in RN school. Few of the true professionals even try to nip this...
  3. I'm glad some of you found this funny, as it was a serious question and the jeopardy of so-called MCR questions is not funny. Once again wtbcrna, thank you for a serious, pertinent, and timely answer...
  4. A report from the organization, Hmmm wtbcrna, thank you for the useful info and serious
  5. " can safely say that there is no other APN role with this reputation of treating students horribly AS A PART OF THE CULTURE." I totally agree with this statement. And the head organization...
  6. Bullying by Professors in Nursing School

    These aren't examples of Basic training, they are the Federal Gov'ts definition of
  7. Bullying by Professors in Nursing School

    I must certainly agree with those who say nursing is the most disrespectful "profession". My nursing program tried daily to intimidate, disrespect, condecend and bully students. It had nothing to do...
  8. Bullying by Professors in Nursing School

    I could tell you the story of 20+ individuals that would make you want to never attend college
  9. Bullying by Professors in Nursing School

    The "rant" happened. The organization perpetuates profiling, discrimination, and mathematical manipulation of pass/ employment
  10. Bullying by Professors in Nursing School

    The bullying is being perpetuated by the adaptive testing and by certain "boards" . Their own publications denounces certain age groups and even racial groups as

    Prodigy didn't help it said I had a 95% chance of passing failed it twice. Valley the book seems to be exactly what is NOT on the test. R&R well maybe? The biggest problem is the MCR questions,...
  12. Any online CRNA programs?

    There are no online
  13. Keep in mind it's gonna cost 100,000 + and come down to one test of 100 ish questions if you don't pass it (the "new" test format has increased the fail rate 4x) you still owe the money and make 3...
  14. CRNA Board Pass Rates?

    Simply the most biased "test" ever. New Multiple correct answer format is ridiculous for example there are (at least)100 questions 30 "tryouts" that don't count. Your exam is "adaptive" which means...
  15. Distance learning is not the problem, poor execution of the program and the poor attitude of CRNAs toward students in general is the problem. The CULTure of nurse/anesthesia of "make it tough on them...
  16. Absolutely NO part of the Mountain State University Program is "online". Get the story
  17. :balloons: Mountain State Univ. in Jan 08':balloons: got the letter. Alternate at MHRI in Rhode Island turned down this years . Turned down Wolford, did not pursue. Thanks for all of the...
  18. Jen SICU, Mountain State University also stold me that I am accepted for 2008. and that the official letter has already been mailed, but I don't have it yet. Oh, and that's where I'll be...
  19. Athlein, get a clue. There are only a few AA schools. and as far as CRNA's most Mostly all hospitals in the world and especially the US will not use them. Read the quals for the entrance...
  20. Anyone heard from Mountain State University regarding the August 2006 interviews for 2007, 2008
  21. West Virginia CRNA Programs

    Sorry to interrupt, Has anyone heard from the Mountain State CRNA interviews (aug
  22. I believe if the participants of this forum will do a little valid research, not speculation . You will find that AA and CRNA are NOT the same skill/practice
  23. Go to ICU without MedSurg Experience?

    went straight to the ICU after nursing school, they had a 3 month precepted orientation . That was 2.5 years ago , NO problems CVICU/CCU. Never worked any other floor or type. good luck I...
  24. Whose going where?

    Arnie and ivy, I just interviewed at Mt State , enjoyed the interview. I would like to know what your thoughts were on the school and why you finally said "ok I like this program/school" I was...
  25. Rhode Island alternates (MHRI) where are you? How many of us are there? Anybody "called up" yet