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About rosepetals12

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  1. Nclex 2013-just took

    Thanks again veryone- I start my first training Thursday! so
  2. saunders review book questions????

    I did the Sanders book too- it was great to review everything and the med chapters are great but I also did the Sanders Questions and Answers book. This book has a health promotion area of 200...
  3. NCLEX March 14

    I passed!!!! My name is already on the Wisconsin Web site! Thank you
  4. Nclex 2013-just took

    Wisconsin must be fast- I was looking on the site just fooling around- so nervous waiting and there it was. I called a friend to check because I thought I was reading something wrong! I could not...
  5. Nclex 2013-just took

    I went on the Wisconsin Web site and saw my name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a RN now- God is good!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to all of you who felt comments on how to study and what books and to do questions every...
  6. You can do it bsngrad02!!! the long hours of studying will pay off- stick to your plan adn study questions everyday- at least 75- you will see a pattern. Day of test you will be ok- because it is all...
  7. nclex rn march or april?

    take before April the test score/percent/pass or fail of what you are able to get wrong is going up- in short the test will be harder to pass- see nursing board web
  8. I worked has an EMT-basic (took that test too) and a firefighter. Great job but has surgery and decided at my age I should quit. I also did work has a case manager- doing social worker type stuff. The...
  9. I graduated from a four year undergrad with a BSN 25 years ago -yes I said it 25 years ago!! I did not renew my RN, back then it went in mail and I got married had kids and moved three times- missed...
  10. Nclex 2013-just took

    I am going to wait for the official results before I party like a "fool"! Thanks A few comments: DO NOT study the day before the test AT ALL. I too quit my job to study for the test on 1/14/2013 and...
  11. Nclex 2013-just took

    I got the GOOD pop up!!!! Should I trust
  12. Nclex 2013-just took

    Ok I will do the Pearson trick right
  13. Nclex 2013-just took

    I just took the Nclex today- the computer shut off after 75 questions. I am so numb!!!! What the hell just happened!!! Did I pass, please God- or do I have to sit by myself for hours studying feeling...
  14. NCLEX March 14

    I am like you- no calculation questions, but... three drug questions, about 10 SATA and many many advocate and informed consent, and two drag and drop. I dont get it! All that studying and time and I...