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About Mandy0728

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  1. Uworld and your NCLEX experience

    I graduated in August and did VATI as well, even though for us it wasn't a requirement, since the board didn't like the idea. I finished it in 2 weeks, started uworld, completely all of those...
  2. Pearsonvue Trick - Does it Work Every Time? Part 3

    Oh crap...well I don't have an expired card or anything
  3. Pearsonvue Trick - Does it Work Every Time? Part 3

    I was told by several people that all you have to do is enter the wrong expiration date from your card, so if you do fail, it'll decline your
  4. Passed NCLEX in 75, this is what I did!

    I'm using UWorld and VATI. I also answered the 265 question test in my Kaplan book & got 69%. I have done 2200 Saunders questions as well. I hope to test in
  5. Best transition into ICU/CCU?

    PacoUSA, it's just for new
  6. I want to find a long ICU internship, but...

    I graduate in August & the hospital near me offers an ICU nurse residency program that lasts 6 months. You have to sign an 18 month contract but I'm willing to do that because of the...
  7. Best transition into ICU/CCU?

    The hospitals in my area have an ICU residency program where you sign an 18 month contract and you undergo rigorous training in the ICU for about 6 months. We start out on a step down unit for 6 weeks...
  8. I'm currently in nursing school & also work as a float aide at our hospital. At first I wasn't excited, because I thought I wanted a home unit. I enjoy it because I've gotten to work on every...
  9. The Great 'Scope Debate

    I have the littman Classic SE II & I love it. The alumni gave us a free littman lightweight on our first day, but I went & bought the classic. Once I graduate, I plan to buy the cardiology...
  10. I almost feel like at this point, there's no point in looking for an NA job. My program is 4 semesters with a break semester in between, which happens to be this semester. I started as an NA in August...
  11. Shoes

    I bought white danskos for clinical...they're comfortable but killed my feet trying to break them in. Then I went 2 months without wearing them & killed my feet at work the other day in them so I...
  12. Relationship and Nursing School

    Not saying he's not supportive, but you really should be single during nursing school or be with someone who understands what you're going through. My bf of 4 years is so very supportive &...
  13. Having doubts about being a nurse

    I don't mean to sound harsh, but what exactly were you expecting that nurses do? You seemed grossed out by the catheters & what not but I don't understand how you didn't know you'd be doing that....
  14. What should we doing by last clinical?

    I'm sorry that you feel like you haven't learned much or have been able to do much on your own. I'm in my first semester of NS, and the hospital that our clinicals will be at starting next semester,...
  15. ATI anyone?

    I'm in my first semester and we use ATI in 3 out of my 5 classes. (The other 2 are research and patho). We have to watch videos and receive at least a 90% on the tests....just form A. We also have to...