Deidre Shiobhan

Deidre Shiobhan

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All Content by Deidre Shiobhan

  1. What nursing Managers fail to see

    It really touches me, very true to the fact! Will the nurse managers ever realize this That's the reason why I don't think I'll ever become a NM.
  2. Pneumograms

    Now I know what is it all about, we call it PH study in my unit. We normally carry out such studies if we suspect that this premie has an indication for GER especially if the apnoeic episodes are associated with post feeding.
  3. Fetal benefits of staying pregnant longer ...

    In my unit all high risk pregnancies or prem labours will be in the high risk consult gp meaning these patients will be managed by their individual O&G doctors and also the neonatologist. These parents will be counselled and spoken to by our neon...
  4. Pneumograms

    I thought sleep studies are normally done in older kids or adults, why is there a need for these babies particularly when they are premature. Can you elaborate further the indication for this test and the expected outcome.
  5. jewelry in the NICU

    Wedding bands are generally allowed but not any other kind of jewelry or the watch. Infact the infection control team has conducted culture study on our hands particularly around the finger where the wedding band suppose to be. So far results has bee...
  6. What's the weirdest baby name?

    Ha! This is interesting. Once I had a mommy who name her premie Dash - You know the character in the movie Incredibles. She said that she wanted her baby to be so strong like the character in the movie but we thought that was rather weird, she must'v...
  7. Any Nicu Nurses Experience -double Bunking In The Nicu

    No we don't pracice here, fear of Infection Rate.
  8. I'm so happy I'm getting teary-eyed!!

    Good job! I feel so touched and motivated upon hearing your experience. It's very drained to nurse such a bad case, at times I really feel like walking out but of course it's just a thought. Keep up the GOOD JOB!:yelclap:
  9. what's your policy on switching out isolettes?

    We changed every seven days if the baby is stable. We do clean the isolettes daily with antiseptic wipes.
  10. Male Nurses in NICU?

    I had 2 male nurses in my department before. One of them - very fatherly and helpful probably because he's a dad himself. The other one - much more playful. Nevertheless they are wonderful and I missed working with them. They've since migrated to US....
  11. Pseudomonas (aeruginosa) infection in neonate

    Very sorry for the loss, from what I gathered this baby sounded like a case of PPHN and MAS. The very bad ones don't usually make it, its rare for newborn to acquire pseudomonas this early as it's always acquired after a period of prolonged ventilati...
  12. Ibuprofen for PDA?

    Sounds good we've never tried this before. Too bad it doesn't come in iv form. Does it mean that it's much suitable for the bigger babies? What about the smaller ones - 25weekers?
  13. Looking for advice on dealing with the hard parts of the job

    Do not be disheartened, I've past expereiences like this too. In fact I was nursing this 30weeker yesterday who's IVH grade 4 bilaterally, severely oedematous and not responsive at all. He's literally brain dead and the condition is definitely irreve...
  14. "What do you need Christmas off for? You don't have kids!" (rant)

    I'll be on night duty this Christmas, don't intend to change duty as I'll have more allowance having to work night on a public holiday. Usually the gals will prefer to do night duty because of increased allowance.:chuckle Who doesn't want more money?
  15. Long term vented babies

    We normally don't discharge babies when they still require volume ventilation unless on very low PEEP ( CPAP ) and FIO2 at 25% and below. Kinda weaning off. It's not easy to talk about home care as most parents are not keen. Currently I have a baby w...
  16. NICU dislikes

    I totally agree with all the things you've mentioned, to add on the list the most heartbreaking part is having a baby died after spending time in NICU for 1 solid year. These babies are like my own kids, you feel that all the efforts have been wasted...
  17. Non-viable baby, born alive -parent won't hold him, what do you do?

    May I know how old is this baby ( gestation age )? why didn't the doctor attempt to salvage this little kid if he's still alive, was he too small and maybe medical technology wasn't so advance then?
  18. If not a nurse...what????

    Ha! Ha! Ha! :rotfl: :rotfl: great to know you like this word. It's cantonese - You see that's my dialect.
  19. If not a nurse...what????

    I thought of becoming a model, actress and even an air stewardess - infact I've even went for the interview but didn't make it :roll When I was much younger I often dreamed of having a shop that sell girlish and cute stuff such as teddy bears, Hello...
  20. chemo kills nurses?

    This scenario sounds familiar, I've come across some nurses who's given birth to abnormal babies while working in the chemo ward. Infact I've even nursed their babies before, a few of them died eventually. I don't know whether it's coincidental or no...
  21. "What do you need Christmas off for? You don't have kids!" (rant)

    The day we've decided to be a nurse we should be well aware of the working hours. People tend to use different excuse to get things done, it's ok to switch roster if the reason given is justifiable and make sense. I do 12hour shift - 2days work and 2...
  22. Nursing Debate

    Oops sorry about this. The Nursing Debate is an annual affair, this is the 2nd year. It's known as the Singhealth Nursing Debate - Singhealth refers to a cluster of hospitals and the place that I worked in belongs to one of these hospitals. My team c...
  23. Nursing Debate

    Hello, I'm in the midst of preparing for next year's nursing debate. My team are cracking our heads thinking about the topics which is debatable, these topics should be ideally related to nursing but something that is interesting and fun. Can anyone ...
  24. "Just" a nurse? You can do so much better!

    Very well written - Let me tell you I've never regretted being a nurse. It's a fruitful and rewarding job both for yourself and your family. My parents chided me too when I said I wanted to be a nurse some 17 years ago, they even say that I wouldn't ...
  25. "What do you need Christmas off for? You don't have kids!" (rant)

    There are lots and lots of people with such foul mouth, guess they have no brains. I have such irritating staff too sometimes they really get on your nerves. They can be picky over alot of things such as roster, assignments breaktimes etc. Sometimes ...