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All Content by rachael0588

  1. Collin College Fall 2013 Nursing Applicant's

    I don't think we will find out until sometime in the summer. I thought once I figured out if I was accepted or not I could finally start planning out exactly what to do as far as child care and what not. I had no idea everything would still be up in ...
  2. Collin College Fall 2013 Nursing Applicant's

    I have a preschooler. I'm sending her to MDO 3 days a week and then my MIL will help as well.
  3. Collin College Fall 2013 Nursing Applicant's

    I called a month or so ago to try to figure out the schedule because I needed to figure out child care as well. I was told that Monday would be lecture from 8:30 to 2:30. Tuesday would be skills lab from 9:00 to 1:00. Clinical would be either Wednesd...
  4. Collin College Fall 2013 Nursing Applicant's

    I almost forgot about that! I don't know yet.
  5. Collin College Fall 2013 Nursing Applicant's

    I'm in too! Does anyone know details about how many days a week and what times we will be in school? I need to start thinking about child care.
  6. Denied and lost

    I just sent you message about Collin!
  7. Collin College Fall 2013 Nursing Applicant's

    I really hope that is not the case because I'm in Micro right now! Maybe they decided not to make the change after all. None of the information online says anything about having to be done with Micro. I would think they would update the online info a...
  8. Collin College Fall 2013 Nursing Applicant's

    @RPlatt This is not true. I just called and talked to the nursing department. The woman I talked to told me that you don't have to have Micro completed to be accepted. You just have to have it completed with a C or higher before beginning the nursing...