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All Content by Asmyth12

  1. Weatherford College Fall 2016 ADN

    That's where I hope to be after I take it even if I made it as an alternate I would be ok with that :) I know a lot of people apply to multiple places and WC tends to be lower down the pole so if they get in somewhere else they give up their spot at ...
  2. Weatherford College Fall 2016 ADN

    Same here lol weatherford is already a 30 min drive each way for me if I drove to wise it would be over an hour each way but I think I would have to make it work I want it that bad! If you don't mind me asking how do your points look? Have you taken ...
  3. Weatherford College Fall 2016 ADN

    That's ok we can use this one maybe I should have worded the title differently lol I will tell michelle to come join this one too. Which campus are you applying to?
  4. Weatherford College ADN Fall 2016

    Hey girl have you gone to take your TEAS yet? I was curious how it was.
  5. Weatherford College Fall 2016 ADN

    I started a post for this application period but only one person has replied to it! lol hopefully more people will join, I think I named it Weatherford College ADN Fall 2016
  6. Spring 2016 El Centro College/ NLC ADN

    I kept trying to reply to you but it wasn't attaching. What school did you decide to go through?
  7. Spring 2016 El Centro College/ NLC ADN

    I tried to send you a post response but it didn't attach to you. It's on the last page
  8. Spring 2016 El Centro College/ NLC ADN

    Who did you decide to apply at? I was just thinking that reading through these posts I'm like oooo I don't think I want to go here anymore the bad stuff just keeps adding up
  9. Weatherford College ADN Fall 2016

    I can't believe the application period is about to open and we haven't had anyone else reply on here! Come on people say hello! Lol
  10. Weatherford College ADN Fall 2016

    Where are you? :)
  11. Weatherford College ADN Fall 2016

    No problem!
  12. Weatherford College ADN Fall 2016

    Yes LART 104 it's not too bad just park in the main parking lot where the police station and fine arts center are walk straight ahead until you get into the middle of the courtyard then you'll see the coyote statue and the building is right there beh...
  13. Weatherford College ADN Fall 2016

    Lol well let me know
  14. Weatherford College ADN Fall 2016

    Yea I hear ya I'm in the same boat minus husband traveling but this semester my classes happened to work perfect from when I drop the kids off. I'm not sure yet I'm going to go to the workshop they're having for it the 13th and I want to have some ti...
  15. Weatherford College ADN Fall 2016

    Yea I've been trying to finish for so long now that I'm pretty much willing to make the drive lol weatherford campus is already 30 mins for me what's a little more for the career of a lifetime lol
  16. Weatherford College ADN Fall 2016

    Hey girl sorry I was at work when you responded. I am going to list both locations on my application just in case. That's not a dumb question, really the only thing they look at gpa wise for the ADN program is that you have at least a 2.5 what they'r...
  17. Weatherford College LVN Spring 2016

    I know I was really sad about it but I'm just gonna finish out this semester I think I'll apply to both programs just in case. Good luck guys!
  18. Weatherford College LVN Spring 2016

    No I never got my application in in time long story but I'm excited for y'all I'm going to apply to the ADN program when apps open in December
  19. Weatherford College LVN Spring 2016

    How many points did y'all end up having?
  20. Weatherford College ADN Fall 2016

    No their LVN to RN program is on campus
  21. Weatherford College ADN or LVN spring 2016

    I know I thought that was strange too she was an alt that was called the day classes started so maybe they just happened to have a lot decline or drop last minute
  22. Weatherford College LVN Spring 2016

    You should be ok getting it done now. When I was looking into Tcc we had the nursing director come speak to our class and he really pushed the importance of getting that part done as soon as you apply and as long as it's in the works by the time clas...
  23. Weatherford College ADN or LVN spring 2016

    Anyone have ideas what lowest points for ADN was? I saw some say low to mid 30's but then saw one at 25 that got in and another that said at 31 didn't get in. Lastly how was the TEAS? Any tips? I took compass for another program and some said compass...
  24. Weatherford College LVN Spring 2016

    You know what I saw that in the blog that was for ADN and LVN and I'm pretty sure it was the ADN applicants talking about it so maybe it's that program that's changing?
  25. Weatherford College LVN Spring 2016

    Yes that is true but at the same time they aren't as big of a program as some of the other area schools like for instance I won't even apply for Tcc because they have anywhere from 3 to 400 people apply each semester and they only take a quarter of t...