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  1. I'm working on a case study that involved an anesthesia airway rescue resulting from RN-administered sedation in a remote (non-OR) location. I have pulled up numerous articles on the subject but I'm...
  2. Yes, it happens. There's an interesting story about a school in the Northeast, a program director, and a married student . . . no one finished out the year.
  3. Reasons NOT to be CRNA

    I am convinced now that I am well into my 2nd year that if you're in it for the money only, it's not going to be worth what you must endure through anesthesia school. The money is good, yes, but this...
  4. Reasons NOT to be CRNA

    I understand and respect your concerns. You're the "cream of the crop" amongst your peers, then you enter anesthesia school where everyone around you is the "cream of their crop". It can be...
  5. Where's the "other, better thread?"
  6. Check out Drexel U. http://www.drexel.edu
  7. You have to do what's right for you. Time is going to pass anyway. I have 3 children as well, youngest I kind of fell into it. I wanted to go back to school but I couldn't decide on what for. I...
  8. Sleep & CRNA school

    I had many of the same concerns as you expressed. My husband, a naval veteran, is very fond of the saying "sleep is a habit that can be broken". Think of it this way. You may have to change when...
  9. Many hospitals offer this type of arrangement. They can be very advantageous for those who do not want to incur a lot of debt to get through school. If you choose this option, shop around. You can...
  10. I agree, these are great sites for MH information. Did you know that farmers gas all their pigs at slaughter with halothane? I read that since malignant hyperthermia in pigs makes their meat...
  11. Thank you for the thoughtful responses. I learned a lot from this experience!
  12. What does it mean....

    Yes, that's what he meant. As the previous posts so articulately stated, the ongoing question "is the patient relaxed enough?" is similar to the rhetorical question, "which came first the chicken or...
  13. I can tell you that everyone in my program was qualified (experience, GREs, recommendations, etc.) What I can't tell you is: 1) What were their scores on GREs? 2) What were their undergraduate GPAs?...
  14. There is a student in my program that was "let go" from another program. I guess it all depends on the program and the people. There are a lot of factors that go into "fitting in" in school....
  15. It's a far, far better thing I do . . . Imagine this . . . I have one patient at a time. Except in emergency situations of course, I have an opportunity to view their chart, assimilate the data,...