Great, why don't you email me with your preference on studying, books, time so that we can see how we can work together to knock this test out! My email is [email protected] Thanks,
Stephanie, I don't know if you are interested but I am looking for someone or some people to study with. Unfortunately I live in NJ so we would need to skype. If you are interested let me know. Thanks...
I took the Kaplan when my school offered it and that was a joke for me. I was more confused after taking that course then anything. Plus it didn't help me pass the NCLEX, I failed
Congrats!!!! Yippie, so proud of you. Any tips on how you studied? I am terrified and i'm reading and reading and can't remember anything. Any suggestions, I would appreciated!
If you are willing to study, I am game. I live in NJ but we can skype. I need a study partner, cause I am so not focused and I'm reading and reading and cannot remember anything. Let me know if you...
I seen you posted that you were out of school for 9 yrs. I've been out for 3 years and I'm having a difficult time studying and focusing...any suggestions? Thank you