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About torresm13

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  1. Need a studing partner

    Great, why don't you email me with your preference on studying, books, time so that we can see how we can work together to knock this test out! My email is [email protected] Thanks,
  2. Anyone planning on taking the nclex soon..

    Stephanie, I don't know if you are interested but I am looking for someone or some people to study with. Unfortunately I live in NJ so we would need to skype. If you are interested let me know. Thanks...
  3. Need a studing partner

    I am from NJ but we could skype.
  4. Need a studing partner

    I am from NJ but we could skype.
  5. signed up for NCLEX...again

    I am from NJ but we could skype.
  6. Need a studing partner

    I am from NJ but we could skype.
  7. I Got Accepted!!!

    Yippie!!! Congrats
  8. Pearson TRICK worked!!! I AM A R.N.!!!

  9. Can someone explain What is S.A.T.A questions? Thanks
  10. Failed NCLEX RN 3 times, the max in my state

    I took the Kaplan when my school offered it and that was a joke for me. I was more confused after taking that course then anything. Plus it didn't help me pass the NCLEX, I failed
  11. Failed NCLEX RN 3 times, the max in my state

    What book did you study from? I read and read and can't remember anything! I'm so frustrated. Any
  12. NCLEX yesterday...

    Hey nalaa83, how are you studying? I'm reading and reading and can't remember anything. Any suggestions, would help. Thanks
  13. NCLEX yesterday...

    Congrats!!!! Yippie, so proud of you. Any tips on how you studied? I am terrified and i'm reading and reading and can't remember anything. Any suggestions, I would appreciated!
  14. Nclex RN for the third time

    If you are willing to study, I am game. I live in NJ but we can skype. I need a study partner, cause I am so not focused and I'm reading and reading and cannot remember anything. Let me know if you...
  15. Study plan for 4th time nclex-pn test taker

    I seen you posted that you were out of school for 9 yrs. I've been out for 3 years and I'm having a difficult time studying and focusing...any suggestions? Thank you