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About jbwozny

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  1. interested in flight nursing

    look about two thirds down the topics page on the flight and transport nursing forum and you will find a topic called "what steps do I need to take to become a flight nurse?" This should point you...
  2. Question about reading really low BP's

    Granted I work in an ICU, not an ED, but does anyone else find it odd that a pt that had so little pressure that they neede to be left on 50 mcg/kg/min of Dopa (agree with the above posters about...
  3. I freeze up when the big traumas/CPRs come in

    Vampireslayer, While I am not a "seasoned pro," I think I am just on the other side of the fence from where you are now. I graduated a little more than a year and a half ago and have been working in...
  4. First off I am not a flight nurse....merely another wannabe. Wat I have been told (from several flight nurses) is the kind of classic path is as follows.... -approx 5 years of nursing experience...
  5. Questions about South Africa

    I am a nurse who is just about a year and a half out of school and have been thinking about working in South Africa, in a couple of years, and would like ot ask a couple of questions to some folks...
  6. I am a nurse who is just about a year and a half out of school and have been thinking about working in New Zealand, in a couple of years, and would like to ask a couple of questions to some folks...