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All Content by mrsjonesRN

  1. Words You Hate

    And cardiac monitor stat!
  2. Nursing with Depression

    I am having these issues now. No sleep. Mood swings. Emotional. Please tell me it will get better.
  3. Nursing with Depression

    Some places have the employee assistance mental health programs too. Usually it is a free service to employees. You could contact human resources to see if this program is available to you.
  4. Nursing with Depression

    I have never worked days as a nurse. I have switched jobs many times in 5 years because I thought it was the job that was bothering but the last few months I have been thinking it's Night shift, not the job in particular.
  5. Nursing with Depression

    I have never worked days as a nurse but I thought maybe it would help because I didn't have the weight gain and mood swings I now have when I worked day shift in college. Maybe switching jobs? If you are disatisfied with you job switching may help.
  6. How do you sign your credentials?

    You better bet i sign notes etc with my BSN credentials. I am paying a student loan monthly for my BSN and I am proud that I went back to school to get my BSN.
  7. prn/overtime addiction/survey

    I am definitely not addicted to working. I do love the money. But sometimes, mentally, the overtime isn't worth it to me. I have lots of bills to pay, that's why I have 2 jobs right now.
  8. I finally quit smoking!

    Wow that is awesome! Congratulations to you! Quitting smoking has so many benefits.
  9. Nursing with Depression

    Great advice!
  10. Nursing with Depression

    Do you work night shift? Nights has exacerbated my depression severely to the point that I am about to be nonfunctioning. My mental health provider even said this can happen. I am trying desperately to find a day shift position. If you do work night...
  11. Why do you wear a white coat? (if you indeed do)

    Just making a facetious comment and obvious statement
  12. Why do you wear a white coat? (if you indeed do)

    I am too busy working to look at what everyone else is wearing at work anyways.
  13. Why do you wear a white coat? (if you indeed do)

    The OP is always trying to troll and stir the pot by asking appearance-based questions...
  14. New Grad job offer

    I started out 21 an hour as a new grad 5 years ago with a one hour commute. I live in the south. Not sure what your cost of living is or where you live, but pay rates vary by region for sure. I'd keep looking, unless there are not many opportunities ...
  15. Words You Hate

    I don't like the words "getting lasix with no Foley," "full code and 100 years old," or "we are out of toilet paper."
  16. That's So Fetch! (Pink Wednesdays)

    Did they have hello kitty, clouds, or peace signs on them? I love when I see people wearing their pajamas to Walmart. Especially the grown 40 year old men!
  17. Words You Hate

    I'm from the south...I hate when people say "warsh" instead of "wash." Or "she learned me something today" as opposed to "she taught me something today."
  18. That's So Fetch! (Pink Wednesdays)

    Where do you buy green scrubs? I've never seen any here. Guess I need to look online.
  19. Do you disclose AN to coworkers

    It's evidence based to me...since we all have stories that show evidence of what is fun, horrible, sad, weird, and just plain nuts about the different types of nursing out there!
  20. Do you disclose AN to coworkers

    I am not hiding anything. I just prefer not to disclose who I am since we do have a social media policy in place. We have some people at work who like to stir things up. This is the only social media I participate in though.
  21. Religiously, On AllNurses

    I, too, like reading the school nursing forum...there's some very interesting situations and stories in those forums. Stories and situations I am not used to since I do not have kids and I do not work with them. (Unless you count the occasional 20 ye...
  22. That's So Fetch! (Pink Wednesdays)

    On St. Patrick's day I will be wearing pink since I have no green scrubs. Just a random thought.
  23. Should I leave this racist town?

    Someone ALWAYS brings up bush, obama, or trump in the commentary. I feel like I am now in a MSNBC or fox news article.
  24. Have any of your patients ever told you that you're a good nurse?

    I totally don't blame you. I wouldn't want to believe them either....if they manipulate you, your case against them could be blown... I've always been interested in forensic nursing. Sounds like an interesting job.
  25. Solutions for Drinks at Nursing Station?

    Are you a hospital administrator?