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All Content by mrsjonesRN

  1. Should I leave this racist town?

    Keep us updated on whatever you do next. Good luck!
  2. Elitism in nursing

    Oh darn.
  3. New nurse, just want to walk out

    15 days? That's not much orientation for a new nurse. The first year of nursing is about time management. The first year is task oriented. You are just trying to keep your head above water. If you don't know something, say, "I am not sure but I can ...
  4. Should I leave this racist town?

    All you have to do is be honest. Let a potential employer know how you felt at your job without getting too detailed. Or you can simply say the facility was not the right fit for you, that you want more out of your nursing career. This is not simply...
  5. Elitism in nursing

    Aren't you being "elitist" by equating nursing education to that of a truck driver??
  6. Should I leave this racist town?

    I know you don't want your wife or in-laws to worry but I'd let them know what is going on...your safety, happiness, and well-being are the important factors here. Can the in-laws help financially until you can find a job? Or is your wife able to sup...
  7. Solutions for Drinks at Nursing Station?

    If a doctor can have his coffee at the desk, my bottle of SEALED water should not be an issue...
  8. Solutions for Drinks at Nursing Station?

    Maybe a joint commission worker who gets kick backs for promoting glad products??
  9. That's So Fetch! (Pink Wednesdays)

    Everything I own is fanatic right here!! I am wearing a pink jacket and pink eyeshadow...trying not to look like mimi from "The Drew Carey Show."
  10. Should I leave this racist town? are very brave and have great strength...I would not be able to tolerate bigots like that. I just wondered if you could talk to your supervisor, but apparently that is out of the question. How did you end up in this town?
  11. My patient committed suicide last night

    The human mind can be such a dark place. I am always sad to see patients who have attempted, or successfully, ended their own lives. It makes me wonder why and I always feel such sympathy for the families too. As nurses, it is normal for us to feel ...
  12. Omitted Work History

    I have read disclaimers on job applications I have filled out that stated if you are found to have lied about work history you can be terminated...
  13. Should I leave this racist town?

    Racism is absolutely ridiculous, immature, and just downright stupid! I really hate hearing that this type of behavior still occurs. I would get out NOW. Your safety is at risk. Are the supervisors this way too? You have a right to have a good work ...
  14. How does it feel to have a Foley insertion?

    I hope I never know what it feels like...
  15. How To Document Sleeping On Night Shift

    I chart "Patient resting quietly with eyes closed. Respirations regular, unlabored. No s/s of distress. Call light and needs in reach. Bed alarm in use.)
  16. WHY do so many people hate nursing? Sigh.

    I love this! What a great perspective!
  17. Valuable life lessons from an ER nurse....

    Getting a tattoo is exciting and gets your adrenaline going...getting stuck multiple times for blood draws makes you anxious and irritable especially when sick.
  18. Did a low test grade discourage you?

    It seems a lot of students do bad on the first test of the semester, especially if they are dealing with a new professor and new testing methods. Don't be discouraged. Study harder and keep going.
  19. Have any of your patients ever told you that you're a good nurse?

    I've had this situation go both ways... I've been told I am a good nurse by getting more pain medication for an addict who was withdrawing off of opioids. I have also been told I am a good nurse by the sweet little granny who just allowed me to rub ...
  20. Nurses, do you feel respected by NPs

    Awesome advice! Can't we all just get along?
  21. WHY do so many people hate nursing? Sigh.

    Sorry you had such a bad time on med surg. I assure you that is not typically the norm. I assume specialty areas do offer more training due to the "higher liability." Every facility is different with the training programs it has, I assure you. I had...
  22. WHY do so many people hate nursing? Sigh.

    Very true! And having so many options is the wonderful part of nursing.
  23. WHY do so many people hate nursing? Sigh.

    I agree! I am thankful for my time "out on the floor." I learned so many skills. My communication improved. My confidence level climbed. My time management got better, and I made life time friends. I was fortunate enough to work on a surgical trauma ...
  24. WHY do so many people hate nursing? Sigh.

    I can't say that I blame the new grads for side stepping med surg and going into specialties. Med surg is one big, chaotic beast. But I don't think anyone should ever think med surg is beneath them or any nursing specialty for that matter. Most of us...
  25. WHY do so many people hate nursing? Sigh.

    And Ruby is correct in that aspect. But I think job hopping is in the new generation. (I, myself, am guilty of job hopping! But I have been at my current job 1.5 years now) I've been seeing a lot of new grads wanting to go straight to icu, er, ob. So...