canoehead BSN, RN


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All Content by canoehead

  1. canoehead

    Arguing Over a Patient Assignment

    I suggest you take the next few difficult patients if at all possible.
  2. canoehead

    Endorsing to the next shift.

    Im an old nurse, and I don't mind if someone is overwhelmed and has to hand off undone tasks. I DO mind if they try to hand off twenty minutes before shift change instead of just doing them on their time. I arrive before shift change to organize myse...
  3. canoehead

    A nurse as a patient

    Its a strong no from me. No one knows whats going to happen in the future, and you are putting your friend in a very touchy situation if you get unexpected bad news. If everything goes fine, its still hard on her to prioritize patient needs, especial...
  4. canoehead

    Hearing Aids

    I got my first hearing aids, and tried to use a stethoscope, without success. There's gotta be a way, and I know someone on allnurses will know how.
  5. canoehead

    Nurses Week Gifts that Knock You Off Your Feet

    I used to work at a very small hospital, we probably had 150 nurses altogether. I distributed sheets of paper with everyones name and asked all the nurses to write a good quality, or a positive experience with each nurse. Once I got all the responses...
  6. canoehead

    How to find a safe surgeon?

    Talk to the surgical nurses. They know who has good outcomes.
  7. canoehead

    How to spot a bad nurse

    If they say they cant drink cold coffee, they're new or a bad nurse.
  8. I’ve given blood with a 24 G, they do it all the time in NICU, and these RBCs are the same size for adults. I do have an issue with 1200ml/h with a 24G. Anytime I get up to 500ml/h the 24s have so much pressure to go that fast, they push th...
  9. I don’t see anything inappropriate so far. I’d prefer they let him sit up postictal and I hope they called an ambulance.
  10. If its that one coworker writing you up and everyone else is satisfied with your work, its not you that's the problem. Point that out as a toxic work environment. I wouldnt worry about your abilities, I'd be more worried about that coworker driving a...
  11. canoehead

    Can a nurse have seizures?

    I think it could be a problem. You have the potential for injury on the job, and for interrupting patient care at a critical moment. If you could be sure that your seizures are always in the evening, and take a day job, maybe...
  12. canoehead

    Terrible Medication Error

    If you havent made a heart stopping med error, you just havent been practicing long enough. Any nurse that admits to their error and fixes it as much as possible has my respect.
  13. canoehead

    Anyone get board discipline lowered or dismissed?

    I've been reported to the board twice, and both times I mailed in my reply and got a letter back saying essentially that they had read my response "and we consider the matter closed." It's hard to advise anyone without knowing the gory details, but i...
  14. canoehead

    Reporting an unsafe surgeon

    I wouldnt make a report to any official entity, out of fear for my job and interfering with "the process." I'd email my manager every time I observed an incident in addition to in house incident reports. If asked Id be able to say I reported up the f...
  15. canoehead

    Hearing Aids

    thanks everyone, sounds like I'm gonna be playing cats cradle with my mask, glasses and hearing aids.
  16. canoehead

    Allnurses Debates!

    I support the "I'm taking my ball and going home" method. If someone says "I wouldnt want you to be MY nurse!" I just sigh and quit talking. We're supposed to be exchanging ideas, not judging each others worth.
  17. Davey Do, are you the same Davey who did musical shows with your wife? We have met, in Boston, and it was a great time. Wish we had Cheesecake Factory in Canada. VivaLasViegas, you're on my list too.
  18. I'd love to have met Brian. I thought I'd have lots of time to get rich and go to a conference, but time just goes by. Sometimes I miss the smaller old allnurses group even with our drama. Remember the huge fight over breastmilk uses?
  19. I can sit on my hands, but I can't seem to get through a staff meeting without speaking. I'm the annoying kid that asked too many questions in classes.
  20. I can't stand by and keep my mouth shut.
  21. Ruby or Tweety, and NURSKaren, they are old cyber friends.
  22. canoehead

    Has the staffing clerk ever made you feel guilty of calling in "sick"?

    The most recent storm we had left my driveway with a four foot drift, and I'd have to wait for help to get out. I tend to be on the extreme end of getting in to work despite bad weather. It's smart to say you cant get out right now but if x happens (...
  23. canoehead

    allnurses and Major Life Events

    I started on allnurses in the early nineties. It was a game changer at that time, because before the internet you had to just take the word of the hospital you were working with on treatments and best practice. (OR go do a day at the library for ever...
  24. canoehead

    Abuse Accusations

    I wanted to chime in and say I thought you handled the situation well. If her family could bring in extra TP so she can hoard as much as she wants, why not? I know you couldn't get any. Maybe bargain with her how much extra (three rolls?) sh...
  25. canoehead

    Moderate Sedation

    We have a nurse, physician and RT. Another hospital I worked at just used a doc and a nurse.