

dealing w/code browns and blues

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All Content by doctorwhofan

  1. Do you overspend on luxury items as a nurse?

    When I graduated as a nurse I had been scrounging to get by for several years. I was living the ramen noodle lifestyle and would often choose to put $10 of gas in my car and then buy $10 of cheap groceries. Needless to say, my first paycheck as a nu...
  2. LVAD and heart failure help

    Hi guys! I'm interviewing for a heart failure position in a few weeks and I have very little experience in the world of cardiac. Can anyone recommend some online lectures or journals to refresh things for me? While I plan to fully admit my lack of...
  3. LVAD and heart failure help


    Advanced registered nurse practitioner Advanced practice registered nurse You'll also see advance practice nurse (APN)
  5. HIPAA and Demanding Family Members

    In the state I work in, the next of kin must sign family members into their facilities prior to their arrival, even if the patient is of sound mind. It sounds as though this person needed to call another family member to find out the information. Pe...
  6. Nursing student with 0 experience

    It's been a while since I did nursing school (17 years - eek!) but I worked retail the entire time. I had been at the store several years and the manager was very accommodating with my crazy clinical and nursing school schedule. My first year as a nu...
  7. Pocket Snacks for 12 Hour Shift?

    I get migraines if I go too long without food. I carry granola bars, almonds, trail mix, carrots (they taste ok at room temp), a banana, or even a chocolate square in a pinch. I've also done a peanut butter sandwich but I wear a lab coat so my pocke...
  8. Stephen King Readers Thread

    This is my favorite thread in the history of me posting on AN. Maybe because it has nothing to do with being at work?? All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.... 😝😝😝
  9. Stephen King Readers Thread

    I bet there's an ICD 10 code for "fear of Stephen King". Or "obsessed w King". I mean, we've got squirrel bite.
  10. Stephen King Readers Thread

    I really enjoyed Gone Girl. I liked how I didn't know what was going to happen next and that it was told from different points of view. I think the author has something else out now I need to check out.
  11. Stephen King Readers Thread

    Can't. Stop. Laughing. That review is what I wanted to say but I don't write that well. Thanks for sharing!
  12. Stephen King Readers Thread

    Interview with King on Harry Potter vs (ahem) teeny bopper romance. I can't remember the quote, but basically he said that Harry Potter taught kids what it's like to stand up for what's right, how to stand in the face of adversity, and how to fight ...
  13. Stephen King Readers Thread

    Omg, yes! Lol!
  14. Stephen King Readers Thread

    ^^^^^^^^^ THIS!! (And don't get me started on 50 shades...but that's a different thread.)
  15. Stephen King Readers Thread

    I think his head would explode. Loved On Writing. Loaned it to a friend and haven't seen it since. (Sob, sniff). Must get another copy.
  16. Stephen King Readers Thread

    Hahahaha sorry!! (Not really, it's been in my head for years!)
  17. Stephen King Readers Thread

    Is that the one where he rambles on about "Ladyfingers, tastes just like ladyfingers right hand doesn't know what left is doing..." I loved that story! And was totally creeped out as I haven't read it in probably 10-15 years but still remember lines....
  18. Stephen King Readers Thread

    A pic may need to be posted when finished. That sounds like an awesome tattoo!
  19. Stephen King Readers Thread

    This may be silly, but I think it's great how his hometown is protective of him. I know someone from there and if random fans show up asking about him everyone plays dumb. Thanks for the review on Finders Keepers. Hadn't read that one but I will get...
  20. I want to throat-punch my co-worker

    First of all- love the king thread, even if that's not what it started out as. Second, to the OP, (for what it's worth)your name amuses me and I've never once thought you were secretly a crazed maniac. I just figured you were a Stephen King fan and ...
  21. Thoughts on pain med with a range

    Sue cannot have any more of this pain med until 2100. I believe the clock resets with the last of her dose. A provider will need to be notified for new orders. It looks as though her pain is not being managed adequately anyway and she will need somet...
  22. Pray for our firefighters please

    Will do. Sorry you guys are going through all this.
  23. That's not what that's used for!

    Omg, I can't edit this from my phone. It should say "they're" not "their". I must turn in my grammar badge now. 😳
  24. There was the patient with multiple dressing changes, ostomy, drains, trach - you get the picture. Just as I finished cleaning and fluffing him, his drains exploded and his ostomy began leaking. Over an hour of work gone. I began muttering and stompi...
  25. That's not what that's used for!

    Confused patients that think their sat probe is a cigarette. At least their doing some pulmonary toilet, right?