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About c_loveya

c_loveya has 1 years experience.

A little wacky and silly....but super fun!

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  1. how long do i feel like an idiot?

    Been asking myself the same question......this job takes some getting used to. It's hard not to feel discouraged when you see everyone else around you so directed and focused while you feel...
  2. Operating Room Nurse: Roles

    Wonderful article! Thank you so much for recognizing how OR nurses act as patient advocates and the unique challenges we face. Definitely NOT an easy job that just involves passing instruments as some...
  3. Bye Bye NICU, Hello Main OR

    Congrats! Best of luck to you during your orientation. It's definitely a steep learning curve so don't become discouraged early on. You will make some mistakes that will make you feel dumb as nails...
  4. Recession

    Hi there! Definitely be persistent...and maybe try expanding your search geographically. I have had more success with interviews in rural settings so far. It is a very frustrating time for us new...
  5. Job Interview for OR.

    Hi Penny, Thanks so much for sharing your interview experience! It really helped me prepare. Best of luck to you as well. :) -
  6. Job Interview for OR.

    Hey everyone! I'm a new grad and have an interview for an OR position in a few days. Any tips? I love OR and really really want this job. Thanks so much! -
  7. Have you ever...

    omg. this thread is
  8. First day of clinicals tomorrow!!!! Advise please!

    Hey there, I also had my first day of clinical today. My skills are pretty rusty as I haven't had much practice this summer but I'm hoping they'll come to me as I go along. I'm on a General Medicine...
  9. I'm 44 and changing careers!

    :balloons: Congrats to you!!! It's really gutsy to do the career-switch. Have a great time in NSG
  10. I also left a stable, decent paying job to go into nursing so don't feel alone! Congrats to you for following your dreams and don't let anyone make you feel bad about it. Anyone who does isn't worth...
  11. Roll Up The Rim Time

    I won a cookie.......at least it's something.... :balloons: -