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All Content by samthera

  1. Pearson Vue Trick was WRONG!!!!!!!

    Thank you GB.... 'twas good.... Still up not sleeping tonight......
  2. Pearson Vue Trick was WRONG!!!!!!!

    Took my RN exam this morning, I had 75 questions...... Tried the Pearson vue trick and it goes st8 to the cc page. Am worried sick. Ya'al pray for me . I felt good about the test keeping the faith. Will let ya'al know how I did tomorrow.
  3. Validity of Pearson VUE Trick...

    Oh ok thanks Azmomo2 gosh am so nervous ?
  4. Validity of Pearson VUE Trick...

    Hello everybody, what does it mean when it gives me a pop up ".....results on hold" worried took my boards today and tried the trick.