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About luvanurse0630

Single, No kids, Currently in Nursing School for my RN, and will be finished this August

Latest Activity

  1. Taking Nclex December 2005

    Hey I am taking mine pretty soon as well. I won't say when. I said I'm not telling anyone. I'll just let everyone know when I pass. This is my second time. Personally, I think that NCLEX was nothing...
  2. Please Help Me. I Failed Boards.

    I truely am going to take all of this advice into
  3. Please Help Me. I Failed Boards.

    I did about 800 questions. I could've done more, but I had a lot going on. So, I guess it was partly my
  4. Please Help Me. I Failed Boards.

    Thanks Brandi. Keep me in your
  5. Please Help Me. I Failed Boards.

    :) Hello everyone. I am so depressed. I'm here and LPN for two years. I took boards on Monday 9/12/05. They were so hard. I'm an Ortho nurse. I had so many select all that apply questions. I HATE...
  6. Typical Day For A Home Health Nurse | Life of a Nurse

    Good for you!!! So, how is home health nursing working with your ankle? I have hip problems. I'm an ortho nurse, and am thinking about transferring to the Home Health
  7. 265 questions and my worst nightmare

    Thats true. If you don't pass, just try again. I know two females who failed their RN boards the first time. They took them a couple of weeks ago, and passed. One had 135 questions, and the other one...
  8. no abduction pillow w/ THR

    Well, how are your hips
  9. Out with "Nurse" In with...?

    I agree!!!
  10. just found out

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: I'll be taking my RN boards this year as well. Do you have any suggestions? Do you...
  11. Bad Habits Nurses Develop

    I agree. We use barcodes at the hospital I work for. There is NO WAY of getting around