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All Content by keepnpositive

  1. Calling all new grads/new to the ICU starting Feb. 2013!!!!

    Hello:) So far my experience is going well. Working on time management and the "little things," that really aren't so little, like remembering to check labs. The ICU I work in is not state of the art or particularly organized so I spend a lot of time...
  2. New grad looking for employment!!!

    Prince George's hospital hires a slew of new grads a couple of times a year.
  3. Calling all new grads/new to the ICU starting Feb. 2013!!!!

    Hello! I started in the ICU recently as well. So far it has been going well, I have been blessed with two awesome preceptors. I don't have a lot of bedside experience, but my preceptors keep telling me it's ok, I'll get it. Just had day 5 and so far...