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All Content by EKRN2014

  1. Reconsidering Nursing

    Don't underestimate yourself! Not everyone can "make a patient feel happy and comforted." That comes from truly caring about them, which not every nurse does (unfortunately). About the critical thinking part, when you are in a new situation, do you r...
  2. Interview HELP!

    Hi, I can't give you any specific advice about the hospital you're interviewing at, but one of the things that helped me was this YouTube video (assuming you're a new grad): At first, I thought her idea of ending the interview with saying that she ...
  3. Quitting tomorrow, in panic

    Angelica- It's too bad that your first nursing job has gone this way. I'm not sure of specifics but wish you the best. Even being fired from your first job, will not ruin your future. A "do not rehire" status doesn't show up on a background check, ju...
  4. My 10 tips for a new RN or PCT

    This may be satire, and unfortunately some of your statements may ring a lot of truth for some unfortunate new grads. However, there ARE more positive, supportive nursing jobs out there. Sometimes, you just have to get through a job that isn't that w...
  5. Please help....

    If this were my decision, I would look at each option closely. You have to ask yourself, how comfortable would you be in corrections? For me, personally, I know working in a prison isn't for me. Is pediatric nursing something you want to do? Pediatri...
  6. Job Application Stress

    I can relate to this! Don't give up though. What helped me was to set a goal for each day (mine was 2 application per day). Also, it made it faster to have all of my information in front of me (references, etc) and I just customized the cover letter ...
  7. Looking for new RN grad jobs in NYC

    Judo- If you want to stay in NY, then focus your job applications on the more rural hospitals. I never had luck with the Albany hospitals, for example, even though other people say they do get back to eventually. Here's a link to every hospital in Ne...
  8. Good grades, substandard clinical performance

    I agree with the previous posts. You're being too hard on yourself and dropping out of the program is excessive! Talk to your clinical instructor and see where you can improve. Follow up regularly with her/him and make sure that your meeting your pro...
  9. Struggling And Unsure ... Temporarily

    I used the "Made Incredibly Easy" books in school and it really made a difference. I HIGHLY recommend them because I found my nursing text to be too dense (when I tried to sit through and read it without knowing anything about the topic, I probably o...
  10. Finally!

    Congratulations! I wish you the best in your residency program. It sounds like it will be a great opportunity and something that you truly deserve!
  11. Children's nurse-worried about Maths

    I wouldn't worry about the math. Yes, of course, you need to be able to do dosage calculations, especially for Pediatrics. However, my nursing program included a medical math class and made these EASY. Yes, at first they can seem a little overwhelmin...
  12. Looking for new RN grad jobs in NYC

    Judo- Unfortunately, NYC is very competitive for new grads. There are many, many nursing schools and this creates a surplus of new grads for the amount of jobs that are open to accepting a new graduate. It's too bad your school wasn't more open about...
  13. how to get past new grad stereotype

    I think the only real way is to actually get experience ...I'm a new grad and it is tough. However, your tone of voice and how you phrase things in the interview really does make a difference. Try to focus on the positive and why you would make a goo...
  14. References advice, non nursing background

    I would list your preceptor as a reference (that can actually be a great reference!). Also, you can use clinical instructors. I listed two of my clinical instructors who can speak positively about me clinically and personally. I also think a referenc...
  15. Any advice is appreciated

    I would say yes it's worth going forward in terms of getting your BSN. You could also move forward with your BSN and get a job though too. I live in New York State too. For those of us with less than one year of experience, it takes a while to hear b...
  16. Coworkers tell me to get out while I can

    There are unfortunately a lot of negative people out there. All that matters is what you think. I'm like you and have trouble tuning others out, but it is something that is necessary a lot of times. I'm a new grad too, but from what I have seen...wha...
  17. Help, I still don't have a job!!

    First of all, sorry you're having such a hard time. Me too...it's been an uphill battle. I'm not sure where you are, so some of my advice might not apply to you. Do you have your ASN or BSN? Since getting my BSN, I have gotten more call backs, but it...
  18. Newbies Who Want to Pay ZERO Dues Schedule-Wise

    Wow, that is very unappreciative of any new grad/new employee to complain about having to work nights. I'm a new grad and I would be happy to just have a job! That being said, I think I actually prefer nights. I'm really not a morning person and I j...
  19. Unnerving, reminder

    Thanks for the post...yes, this is very important! This is something that I already knew (my first semester clinical instructor taught us to always assume that the patient can hear and understand us, even if it doesn't seem like it) but this was a go...
  20. Just a few things to remember..

    Thanks for your post. Very nice!
  21. Should I take the Nurse position?

    I say take it! RN jobs as a new grad are difficult to come by and this is what you want. Follow your heart. I think in this job market, you can't afford to pass up this opportunity. Besides, if you want to change at a later date, it's not impossible....
  22. Bedside not for me. Any success stories doing something else?

    How about a nursing position in a non-profit agency (outreach-type program), developmentally disabled individuals or community health clinics? These are rewarding non-bedside positions. Non-profits may give you a chance with your background (this sou...
  23. MD to RN

    First of all you are not a failed doctor. It is difficult for foreign-educated doctors to become MDs here and most people are aware of this. My A&P teacher was a MD in her country, couldn't get a residency placement and started teaching college l...
  24. First full week done!!!

    Congrats! I remember my first week of nursing school. It seems like yesterday, even though I have already started to work. You are very lucky to have a great clinical instructor. I had good ones and not so good ones (and one horrible one that set a g...
  25. Hi everyone, although this is my first post...I need advise! I was just fired from my first job : ( I know there are various other posts about getting fired from your first job, but I feel that my situation is different. So, here's what happened. Any...