CharleeFoxtrot BSN, RN

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All Content by CharleeFoxtrot

  1. CharleeFoxtrot

    Nurses make me sick

    I'm telling you, I've been on internet groups since the inception of the concept on listserv in the days of dialup and the OP needs a lot more practice before I'd even calling this entry level trolling. The OP is a seeker all right, but not fo...
  2. CharleeFoxtrot

    Any advice for a disabled nurse?

    I am so very happy for you! Yaaaaay!
  3. CharleeFoxtrot

    What is up with the level of entitlement?

    I think you've hit on a good point with this thought. The reality of nursing vs the academic ideal hits hard once you start working in the real world.
  4. CharleeFoxtrot

    Failed My Third Semester

    I don't have ADHD, what I had was a 24 hours shift as a paramedic before I took the test, and a bad case of hubris as I figured I couldn't fail.
  5. If I remember correctly you are relatively new in your management role, this might be a factor as management could be thinking you may not have enough experience to take on these other tasks.
  6. CharleeFoxtrot

    Failed My Third Semester

    I also flunked out of my program, by failing a mandatory medical math test. It hurt, and I had every emotion possible including shame that my classmates would graduate ahead of me. Spent a lot of time soul searching, and decided to swallow all my d...
  7. CharleeFoxtrot

    How much experience does your manager/assistant manager have?

    Just IMO, this sounds a bit like sour grapes. What do you have against the person that just got promoted?
  8. CharleeFoxtrot

    RN coworker discouraged me

    I am curious about the thought pattern behind you being ineligible for vaccination for Covid-19, because of the way mRNA vaccines work. You contracting a Covid-19 infection could increase your risk theoretically, but as of now there isn't mu...
  9. CharleeFoxtrot

    Graduated RN school

    Congratulations!! Best of luck on your NCLEX!
  10. CharleeFoxtrot

    Season's Greetings to allnurses!

    Merry Christmas to all, and my hopes for a Happy New Year!
  11. CharleeFoxtrot

    helping patients feel less embarrassed?

    Well, over the years I have learned to not act embarrassed, I.e. drop my voice, don't make eye contact and whisper like you are ashamed of/for them. Nor do I raise my voice in an attempt to normalize things. I just maintain the same clinical face as ...
  12. CharleeFoxtrot

    How has becoming a nurse changed your life?

    Best of luck to you.
  13. CharleeFoxtrot

    Heparin Error

    I can't improve on that message. Take a breath OP, learn from this and you will be fine!
  14. CharleeFoxtrot

    Seeking first job with no luck.

    The internet makes it hard to convey tone but just know I am not being mean here. I always write a cover letter that I modify for each facility. Cuts down on the cookie cutter feeling. At first read, your letter has too much info and needs to be...
  15. types a response. erases it. type again and erases again. All I can think of is to send ((cyber hugs))
  16. CharleeFoxtrot

    Preceptor is a bully....

    Spot on, it's only a game if you play it. Sometimes the best retort is silence with a neutral but quelling look on your face. When you don't engage or get flustered it forces the bully to change gears to fill that silence and oftentimes they will r...
  17. CharleeFoxtrot

    NICU babes dress-up for Halloween

    ...and that's 100% okay. I felt like if it didn't harm the kiddos, made some good memories for the family and made other people smile there was no harm in it.
  18. CharleeFoxtrot

    NICU babes dress-up for Halloween

    *crusty old weatherbeaten heart melts* Thanks-I really needed that.
  19. CharleeFoxtrot

    Oahu nurse pay

    I have no knowledge, but living in Michigan and bracing for Winter I totally wish I had your job offer ? Best of luck to you whatever you decide.
  20. ..and this folks is why we say the internet is forever.
  21. CharleeFoxtrot


    What a dizzying accomplishment ? Oh, and I am sorry you have vertigo Davey Do. Are you doing the Epley Maneuver?
  22. CharleeFoxtrot

    New Medical Syndrome (can I have it named after me...)

    I learned this the other day, and have decided that my nasty "hey you had garlic pita chips in your lunch bag" is preferable to getting what feels like Listerine vapors in my eyes. Glad to know I am not the only one!
  23. CharleeFoxtrot

    How do I trust my judgement after this? First Patient Death

    I can't like this advice enough. OP, you were not working in a vacuum there were plenty of other providers involved here. I can tell you each and every one of them is now second guessing themselves on some level. You did what you could. Refle...
  24. CharleeFoxtrot

    Nursing and being a youtuber

    In short? Oh yes they can fire you for what you do on your off time if by any stretch they feel it puts their facility in a bad light. Just search through this site and you can see a lot of real life examples. In fact, a lot of the time unaccep...
  25. CharleeFoxtrot

    Must Pass all exams?

    Yes, if the expectation is you must pass all exams with whatever minimum score so you need to clarify that with your instructor. There must be a cutoff point/minimum passing score set in any program, and whether you miss that minimum score by one po...