CharleeFoxtrot BSN, RN

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All Content by CharleeFoxtrot

  1. CharleeFoxtrot

    Got The Vaccine! Share Your Experience

    anecdotally, I am 56, on an immune suppression drug and had little to no side effects for either the first or second pfizer vaccine.
  2. CharleeFoxtrot

    What’s the farthest you would be willing to commute?

    My longest was 80 minutes, and it sapped the life right out of me doing 3 12hours in a row. Currently I drive 50 mins one way on a good day. I just took what will amount to a $3.00/hr pay cut to work in a clinic that is 10 mins from my home, and...
  3. CharleeFoxtrot

    Nursing job with routine

    This gave me a much needed laugh!
  4. You do know that by being prepared you practically ensure you won't need that bag-but if you don't have it snowpocalypse will come in out of nowhere ? Seriously, hope you won't need it.
  5. (raises hand) yeah me too.
  6. CharleeFoxtrot

    Taped by a patient

    A wise mentor once told me two things. Number one, never say anything you don't want to repeat in court and number two, if it felt good saying it, it was probably a bad idea.
  7. CharleeFoxtrot

    Out of My Element Again

    Perspective is everything, and I keep seeing the OP frame things in a negative manner. How about instead of finding the fault in your new assignments, you look for a silver lining-any spark of positivity and keep that in mind. You might be surprise...
  8. House frau chores which I despise but since to date I've not won the lottery I am forced to do or be run over by housecat sized dust "bunnies" that roll around like tumbleweeds.
  9. CharleeFoxtrot

    IV Practice

    (this is the way my mind works) Awfully hard to explain to the docs in the ED how they got phlebitis and yet are not IV drug users.
  10. CharleeFoxtrot

    Leaving Bedside Nursing. Interview help

    First off, Google "nursing interview questions" and practice. Literally stand in front of a mirror, and answer them aloud. This really helps with the "word searching" we all do under pressure. As far as to why you are leaving the bedside, consid...
  11. CharleeFoxtrot

    Got The Vaccine! Share Your Experience

    24 hours after shot#2, arm is sore but that's it. Slept badly, but I've got some family things and maybe job changes going on so that's not surprising. I have UC, and am on Stelara.
  12. CharleeFoxtrot

    Sleeping In Vehicle Between Shifts

    Having lived out of a car in my younger years (long story) I can tell you its not the best thing for getting quality sleep. I'd do as other suggested and look for a coworker who might have a spare room and need some extra cash.
  13. CharleeFoxtrot

    I Feel Responsible For A Patients Death

    Can't add much more here, other than sending cyber hugs.
  14. ^^this. Methinks the Hospitalist protested too much because they erred in not responding to a STAT page.
  15. CharleeFoxtrot

    When Your Patient Wants To Talk Politics

    I used to lean in close (before Covid LOL) and say in a low voice "we aren't allowed to talk about this" and give them a wink and loudly change the subject. They thought I was agreeing with them and would usually go with the re-direct.
  16. Great thought! Like myself, a lot of people develop auto immune disorders in adulthood.
  17. CharleeFoxtrot

    Got The Vaccine! Share Your Experience

    I got the Pfizer vaccine 72 hours ago, am immune compromised on Stelara and am fine. Muscle ache at the site injection was the only thing I noticed
  18. CharleeFoxtrot

    Nurses make me sick
  19. CharleeFoxtrot

    Nurses make me sick

    Interesting, I've not heard that. I'm too late for a boomer but too soon for Gen X though I "identify" as Gen X. I'm an optimist who is super cynical due to life's lessons ?
  20. Actually you did smear lots of people in your first post, and now are trying to walk that back by posting smoke such as a 10 year old necropost. If you are going to post inflammatory and specious arguments, this isn't the board for that as we ...
  21. CharleeFoxtrot

    Huge Zoom Mistake....Nurse Instructors Caught!

    My whole problem with this scenario is that no one thought to whip out their phone and record the "outtake recording" while it was playing.
  22. No, actually you made a huge broad brush snide swipe at nurses who work at dialysis clinics because a nurse you took a dislike to works in one. How about resolution for 2021? You do you, and not worry about things that really are none of your b...
  23. CharleeFoxtrot

    Nurses make me sick

    Okay that made me literally LOL
  24. CharleeFoxtrot

    Nurses make me sick

    Mind you, today's definition of "stoic" bears little resemblance to that classic school of thought. Currently I am reading "How to think like a Roman Emperor"
  25. CharleeFoxtrot

    Nurses make me sick

    I'm actually reading books about stoicism, a very interesting philosophy that's been practiced for ages. The statement I bolded is probably the smartest thing I've read in this thread to date.